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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1657 Review(s)
Montreal, Canada
Review #2155 on November 4, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

So, I arrived via cab ($32 chez aunt) at the Consulate @ 6:49 am. Good thing too because I obtained 1st *prize* by 2 mins! It was crazy cold and my legs were shaking for the 40ish mins I was outside (jeans are not a smart idea in the cold). So I lined up on the left side of the front doors and like clockwork they opened at 7:30 am sharp. They looked through my little purse, my jacket pockets and everything really well. Got the letter *A* which guaranteed that I'd be the first one up!

Waited at the bottom of the stairs while security got everyone into the place. Then the guard came up and took all of us with Letter cards into the elevator to the 19th floor (walked to the back of course). Sat in the waiting room for a few mins then heard a name called on the PA system. Turns out, it WASN'T my name!! The girl who was next in line after me got called 1st (and it sounded similar) so I went!! innocent.gif . That got cleared up after a few mins so I had to switch to the other b... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #2152 on November 4, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Arrived at 7:10am for an 8:15 appt. - we were 5th in line so rec'd the letter E and when the doors opened at 7:30 those of us with letters A-E were processed through security and personally taken upstairs first. We all went to a window to hand in our paperwork then sat in the waiting area to be called back in order. During this time, more folks came up the elevator and began to form a line at the cashier - this was confusing as our group had to get in the back of this line as we were processed and then told to pay at the cashier. Howeever, once the cashier opened the line moved pretty quickly as most folks in the line were then told where to go for their particular need. By 9am we had paid our money, been fully processed and went in to see the final consular officer who asked the big question of "where did you meet" and then told us everything was OK and the visa will come next week in the mail. Out the front doors by 9:10am!!!

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Montreal, Canada
Review #2146 on November 2, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Our interview was 10/31/07. It was quick and painless. We spent more time waiting on the cashier to get there than anything else. The interview itself was about 5 minutes. She asked the normal questions. Do you swear that you're free to marry? How did you meet? How long have you known each other? Have you ever been to the US? What's the longest you've stayed in the US? When was the last time you went? What do you do for a living? She only asked me one question about my job. Then, she told us everything looked good and she would give her okay to issue the visa. We were back in our hotel by 9am.

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Montreal, Canada
Review #2128 on October 26, 2007:




· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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Vancouver, Canada
Review #2118 on October 21, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Here I was, girding my loins for some knee-knocking battle/interrogation, and it was . . . actually completely painless. Every single person I dealt with, from security to the interviewer themselves, was incredibly cheerful and helpful towards me, much to my relief. The interview took less than ten minutes, maybe even less than five, and stuck to bland topics . . .

"How did you meet, what sort of things do you have in common, do you find the age difference (he's ten years older) to be an issue, ect".

They do the interviews out of little windows right there in front of everybody else, and several couples who went before me got grilled something fierce (even people who had more documentation than I did!), so I was a little nervous. The interviewer, however, was very polite and friendly, and when he told me, "Congratulations, you're going to be a bride" I could have hugged him if not for that plexiglass.

They told me they could have give... read complete review

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