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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9
/ 5
611 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Review #14226 on April 3, 2014: | SaoPaulo 2 Dallas
· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Hi everyone, as I found a lot of good stuff here, I'm about to give my review about the interview so I can help others.
I was pretty calm until the night before the interview, I could sleep, waking up every half hour worried and afraid of loosing the interview time, scheduled to 7h20 in the morning. Once we were inside the consulate, a guy tought as the doc's order and then called us one by one to check it out. After that we were called from some desk windows to check everything again, comparing with all data in their system, signatures and take our fingerprints from both hands. As soon as we finish this step we were sent to the cashier to pay the USD 240 tax.
We go back to the interview room, give the proof of payment and then wait for the interview.
It was very easy, the consul just asked about how we met, how the relationship developed and interrupted me for 2 times to make sure about dates. (both question were trick, with wrong dates. ... read complete review
| | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Review #14148 on March 19, 2014: | slcampos
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Chegamos no consulado 6:30, eramos os primeiros. Em torno das 6:50 , o Alex (funcionario do consulado), veio ate a fila para checar os casais e nos levar para dentro do consulado. Ele nos deu instrucoes sobre preencher dois formularios e colocar os documentos em ordem:
1-Formulário de Informações de Contato no Rio de Janeiro ( foi dado dentro do consulado e o ALex dara instrucoes de como preencher)
2-DUAS fotografias de frente 5x5 ou 5x7 (com nome atrás )
3-Passaporte (válido por pelo menos 8 meses)
4-DS230 I (somente a parte um – NÃO LEVE ASSINADO! Você deve assinar lá na hora na frente dele)
5-DS160 (a parte da confirmação)
6-Declaração sob Juramento (levei uma preenchida e outra em branco por precaução. Ele aceitou a preenchida ok)
7-Certidão de Nascimento e cópia simples (sua a original e cópia. Do seu noivo, somente cópia)
8-Certidão de Casament... read complete review
| | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Review #13954 on February 26, 2014: | Tommytoys
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Here just the interview part:
When called in, we both went in and an American man speaking Portuguese (strongly accented) started asking my fiancee (beneficiary) some questions in an aggressive way. He did not seem to understand the Portuguese word for my profession, when she answered what my profession was.
the accented Portuguese and aggressive demeanor of the officer only made my fiancee more nervous than she already was and neither were communicating smoothly.
Within a few minutes, the officer stopped the interview, went back and came back within 5 minutes or so. He then asked us come back at 2pm (5 hours).
When we came back we were interviewed separately with me (sponsor) going first. A lot of detailed questions. My answers were not really important. They wanted to see if my fiancee, interviews later, would respond the same way to detailed personal questions or not.
Of course she did and we were approved b... read complete review
| | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Review #13882 on February 17, 2014: | katiapascoal
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My fiancé interview was on January 24th at 7:15 a.m. I was able to go in the day of the interview, as
well to be at the room with him. We brought everything necessary, documents, medical exams, album of pictures, emails, text messages. The American council did not ask for anything. Just a few questions, when did we meet, when he had proposed, how was my kids name, and what was his purpose in going to U.S. Of course he said he was going because he wants to be with me, marry me, and because he loves me. It was no more than 3 minutes. He said it was approved, and we left the place extremely happy.
He is getting here today in Boston at 11:00 a.m.
God bless you all! God has been so good to us!!
Katia and Carlos
| | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Review #13719 on January 27, 2014: | dcstef
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Upon arrival there are several different lines of people outside of the consulate. There will be people greeting you and instructing you which line to get into. Luckily, the line for the K1 Visa is very short. Anyhow, our appointment was for 9:20am but we go there at 6:55am. There was no need to come that early and we were instructed by a guy with a checklist to go to a cafe and relax because they would only allow the 7:20 reservations inside the consulate. Eventually, all the 9:20am people were called into the consulate at 8:30am. I would advise blowing past other couples when going up the stairs to the holding room because the first one through those doors will get to go first. This gentleman (same guy who had the checklist outside) speaks to everyone and then hands out forms. It does not matter who finishes the forms first. The first couple through the door and seated will be tended to first. This guy helps you organize the forms and then he notifies another guy at a window... read complete review
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