United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4
/ 5
1822 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom | Review #5381 on December 10, 2009: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
That was fantastic - Terrifying - but fantastic. I arrived at the embassy at about 7:15; no electronics, so I didn't have a watch. A nice french lady had one and told me the time about ten minutes later. Of course nothing happens until around 8... again I have no idea. The people checking for electronics are nice and efficient, and so were security. I had my wedding ring for my fiance with me and the security guards 'aww'ed it.
Waiting was nerve wrecking - there's an awful lot of N visas who went before any I visa was called, including people who arrived later. I figure there's some kind of training needed for the I visas. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say I waited 1/2 an hour to 3/4 of an hour. I was #4 for the I visas. There was no-one at the counter when I got there and I had to wait for a lady to arrive, but when she did she was very smooth and professional. That was over in about 10 minutes. Possibly longer. Time drags when you're panicking. She took my both certificate, p... read complete review
London, United Kingdom | Review #5376 on December 9, 2009: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Arrived at the embassy around 8:00 am for a 9:00 am interview. Went through front security then picked up number which was a sticker that they stuck on the letter of interview time (Note: remember this number as they take this letter at the first window). Waited for about 40 minutes until called to first window. They asked for stuff on checklist, nothing extra. Then sent back to waiting room. The wait was LONG. Waited for 2 1/2 hours before he was called to 2nd window. Took fingerprints again and had to raise right had and swear to tell the truth. The woman was pleasant but did ask about 15 questions, all of which were fairly easy
The questions asked where:
When did you meet?
How did you meet?
When did you meet for the first time?
How did it go?
How many times have you met altogether?
What is your fiance's full name?
Has your finance ever been married?
Where does your finance ex husband live? ... read complete review
| Review #5360 on December 6, 2009: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Had my K1 interview on fri dec 4th.
I was scheduled for 9am, but being a bit too punctual turned up at bond street station at 7.30(!) so decided to spend a bit of time in starbucks with a strong coffee and breakfast. Around 8 I wondered around the corner and headed to Gould's pharmacy (on north audley street, just before the embassy, on the same side). There, I dropped of my phone (3 pounds per item)which the guy put in a sealed envelope in front of me, asked me to sign a form with my contact number, told me I was the only one allowed to come pick up my belongings and then gave me a raffle ticket which I was to reproduce on my return.
I then walked up the road and in minutes I was in front of the embassy. By this time it was just a little after 8 and there was no queue. The lady at the visa desk asked to see my interview letter then confirmed I wasnt carrying any mobile phone/ipod/headphones/usb stick etc. I was then asked to walk on a bit further where I ... read complete review
London, United Kingdom | Review #5349 on December 3, 2009: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My appointment was for 9.30, but i arrived at the embassy at like 8.30, sort of naivly thinking they'd slot me if i got there early... it doesnt work like that i dont think! haha.... i ended up sitting in the waiting room for that first hour being unnecessarily nervous!
being in that waiting room is sort of like being in an Argos nightmare (british people will get that link!) you have to wait for your number to be called then proceed to the specified window. it was 9.40 when my number was called... so i went to like window 14 or something, and oh my gosh, i was so nervous! so first the man asked for my passport and appointment letter. then i had to scan in my fingerprints, and my hands were so shakey, i thought he wouldnt be able to get an accurate read of them! so then i was asked to go and pay for the visa... $131, which i thought was odd seeing as they hadnt even properly approved me yet. hmmmm... so then i went back to window 14, and this was the bit i was most nerv... read complete review
London, United Kingdom | Review #5335 on December 2, 2009: |
Amanda and Tony

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Very organised. Tony and I went quickly through security. We waited about 1 hour 45 mins to hand in paperwork. The woman was very rude and "off" with me like I was causing her too much work. We then waited about 45 mins and had a lovely man to interview us. The interview was short and painless...probably because Tony was with me.
In all we were in the embassy for 3 hours. Not bad at all!
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