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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5411

London, United Kingdom Review on December 15, 2009:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

I have to admit no matter how many good reviews I had read about the interviews and no matter how many times I went through my paperwork I was convinced someting was going to go wrong. But I will say now, nothing did

I had a 9am appointment but also needed to get some photos taken. I planned on getting to Gould Pharmacy for my photos around 7.30 to 8.00 so I would not feel rushed.

I got off the train at Marylebone at 7.15am and jumped on the tubes to Marble Arch. Gould Pharmacy is only a 5 minute walk from there. By the time I had got myself a much needed coffee I arrived at Gould's around 7.50am. They open at 7.30am and there was already a line of people wanting to drop of their electrical items for safe keeping. I didn't have anything on me, but it seemed like the cost was about £3 per item. I needed some photos so went to the counter at the far end of the store. A quick snap and a 5 minute wait I had my photos Just for your information, there is a photo booth in the Embassy itself so if you forget or are running late for your appointment you can get them done while you wait to be called.

A slow walk down the Embassy got me there at 8.15am. There are plenty of people directing outside the building and the signs are easy to follow. I saw the VISA sign so stood in that line (I'm not as stupid as I look. lol) There was 3 people in front of me. I got called forward where I was asked to put any keys, loose change, belt and watch into my bag (I was carrying a soft briefcase sized bag, anything much bigger and people were being asked to find somewhere to keep it as they wouldn't allow it in). The girl also checked my passport and interview letter.

I was directed to another line with the same 3 people in front. Again had my passport checked and my letter checked. Then I was called into the security building where my bag went through a scanner and I walked through a metal detector (Airport style). Directed right out of the building, followed it round and up the steps. Don't worry, you can't get lost as there is only one way to go

Once up the steps there is a desk in front of you where you need to show them your forms and passport. ou get given a number and into the waiting room you go. I walked into the waiting room at 8.30am and settled myself in for a wait. The place was not packed with people, but it is very busy with people wandering around. There are numbers being shouted over the tannoy every 30 seconds.

At 9.00am my number was called (I was very impressed as that was my appointment time and I had never been to an appointment that was on time. lol) The woman was a bit miserable and talked quietly through the glass so I had to lean in to make sure I heard anything she said. Don't be afraid to ask them to repeat themselves if you are unsure what they said. She really didn't say much, she checked I had everything on the checklist,asked me to go round the corner to pay the fee (£80 cash), took my finger prints and then give me a courier address from to fill out while I sat and waited to be called again for my interview. This part took 10 minutes and was very hassle free. I did make sure I had all my documents out of my folder ready to hand over. I had way too much info which she give most of it back to me, but I would rather have too much than too little.

A 20 minute wait and I was called for my interview. Wow this was going quick, that meant the interview was going to go wrong. lol. Funny how you can talk yourself into negative thoughts.

Got to this window and was presented by a really friendly American lady. She looked at my file briefly and then asked me How we met? Well as you have probably guessed by this point I like to waffle on and my favourtie subject is my girl. lol. I went into the story and I have to admit that it was not like a question and answer session as much as it was a conversation about my relationship. At no point did I feel uneasy or grilled by the woman. She asked me when we first met face to face and how it went, then asked what Cherilyn did for a living. Finally she asked whether we planned to stay in Louisiana once we were married. Well Cherilyn and I have talked in depth about where we want to bring children up (and Louisiana isn't it. lol) so I was away again with the whole story. lol. The woman just kept smiling at me as I am sure the way I talk about Cherilyn radiates how I feel about her After those few simple questions and me waffling for 15 minutes I was told everything was fine and the VISA was approved. Fantastic!!!!

All that was left to do was pay the courier on the way out. That is as simple as it sounds The courier does have signs up saying that they only take credit and debit cards, NO cash will be accepted. This was going to be a problem as I only had cash on me I spoke to the guy about the counter and he said as long as I could give him the exact money it wouldn't be a problem. They only take cards as they don't have the facilty to give change on cash. I paid my money, got a tracking receipt and walked out of the embassy I could not believe it was only 10.00am. I got through it all in less than two hours.

So you have heard me talk on and on and on about it now. If you are about to go through it the best advice I can give you is to be organized and have more info than you need. For your own peace of mind if nothing else. I knew I had everything I could gather and it stopped me being nervous

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