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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1815 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #30874 on March 21, 2022:




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Review Topic: FB-1

Hey Guys!!!!
I got my FB-1 (Unmarried son of US citizen) Visa approved today at London US Embassy. It was indeed a quick interview that lasted just 7 minutes for the all process. I am so happy.....
The following questions were asked by the consular officer :
1: What is your name?
2: Who is your Petitioner?
3: Where does your petitioner lives in US?
4: What is your petitioner names?

Congrats your Visa has been approved.. All within 7 minutes.

I am so happy and thank you guys....

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30799 on March 3, 2022:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview 9am, March 2nd (Medical, 24th March - only 3 working days between these appointments)

Arrived at the embassy 8:50am and waited in a very long queue outside in the rain. First checkpoint looked at my DS-260 and passport. Approx wait was 30 minutes in the queue. Was told here not to queue again inside, but to head straight past everyone to the desk as I was waiting on an immigrant visa.

In to security, they checked my DS-260, then I had to open an app on my phone, take off jacket and belt etc, standard airport style security. This took a few minutes and I was through.

Inside the embassy I walked past the queue, as directed, and spoke to a lady at the desk, who again checked my DS-260, then printed a few stickers with my information on and directed me to the floor above, and was told to turn left, and left again to the waiting area.

As I left the elevator, 2 embassy workers beckoned me forward in to the crowded room and... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30747 on February 16, 2022:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We arrived at the embassy in london at 9:55am, it was windy and rainy and the que was long outside the doors. There was a kiosk where a very nice woman checked my DS-260 and passports. After which, we (me heavily pregnant and 2 small children), were directed to go into the airport style security. I had drinks in my bag so was instructed to take a sip of each one. After which we went through and joined another semi-long que to. After queuing for around 5 mins I presented our DS-260 again to a very efficient woman (she was nice enough) and was giving a ticket and directed to the 1st floor and told to wait for my number to be called. Nerves made me forget the direction once I got to said floor that I was supposed to wait in; The room was busy I asked a man I saw in uniform which direction to go. He kindly said turn left. We waited around 2 mins, before the ticket number was called.

I presented the passport pictures, 1 of each person which were scanned
Passport for e... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30680 on January 28, 2022:




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Review Topic: F-2A Visa

I had my interview at the London Embassy on 26/01/2022. We arrived to the Embassy about 45minutes before my appt (11:30am), so went to get a drink and kill time at The Alchemist directly opposite. Around 15 minutes before my appt time we walked over and checked it. It was a little confusing where it go at first, you have to check in at a window off to the side and show your appt confirmation letter, then go through airport style security before going through to the main building. Once in the main reception, I was given a sticker with a number on it, and told to go to the first floor and take a left then left again and take a seat in front of windows 20-21. After about a minute, I was called up to the first window, where a very friendly man asked for one passport photo, my passport, and my original birth certificate, marriage certificate and police certificate, then they took digital fingerprints. He did asked when I was planning on entering the states, but I think this was more general... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30676 on January 27, 2022:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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