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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews

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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
593 Review(s)
Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #11431 on February 7, 2013:




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Review Topic: Waiver/Admin Review

i have my interview on 4 of january for spouse visa.My wife is american citizen.Everything was okay.co told me ur case os okay nd strong.give me orignal ducments back nd keep my passport.they also give me green sheet nd told me it ll take some time for them to issue visa once AP is over.From that day my case is being udated after every 6-8 days.Now am praying to almighty Allha that soon ths AP gona over.

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #11426 on February 6, 2013:

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

hello,i had my interview 29th nov 2012,and CO said every thing is fine but he said i have to wait couple of months time.how long it's gonna take abt?i was checking the status and its keep saying AP.my wife is ameircan citizen.

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #11344 on January 24, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hello people
Today was my interview and it went good. But CO put me into AP and gave me a light green sheet
. Im wondering wen will i get my passport back ? Im really waiting now

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #11340 on January 23, 2013:

Khan & Marry

Khan & Marry


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hi friends... This might be my Last and really important note for all those who not yet done their interview.. I went to embassy at 7:00 AM. did my thumping. Paid the fees Rs.23520.00. and last and final step. was my interview. I selected interview in Urdu. The first question was
1) Your petitioner is US birth citizen, from where she learnt Urdu.?
2) How you met?
3) How people can meet on facebook?
4) what was response from ur family?
5) Did u face any court or jail?

I answered all well. But what was, they already wrote on my case that my petition was expired. he just showed me the red stamp. which he already did b4 my interview. and I need to refile my petition .

Poor I, and Bad Luck. But Good experience for others i guess.

God approve all AP, pending Visa.

Yours ever Own
Bilal Khan.

remember me in your Prayers .

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #11337 on January 23, 2013:




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Review Topic: General Review


i have submitted docs (packet 3.5) on 7-01-2013 but still waiting for my interview call.. pleaase advice how long isb consulate takes to call for an interview.


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