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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews

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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5 / 5
777 Review(s)
Review #12444 on August 2, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Not a bad experience.

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Review #12342 on July 17, 2013:



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Review Topic: General Review

Those that put their trust in God shall not be forsaken.....Who is like unto this God?
God made it a super easy interview this morning and my Visa was approved under 2mins,yea 2mins.....I am sure my TL is confusing to most of you here but started our journey Aug 1 2011 and finally approved today July 15 2013. We started out as F2A and then moved to CR1 when Wifey Naturalized fully April 17 this year.

I was interviewed by white male in his early 30s
He asked me the following questions.....
1.Who filed for you
2.How long has she been in the United states
3,How did she get to the US
4.What does she do

That was it,No single additional proof asked and then ......APPROVED!

If you by any chance stumble on this post and you're still in the process,when at NVC please front load,they usually decide before you even walk up to them.
If you are awaiting your interview already.....you may need to stop ... read complete review

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Review #12325 on July 14, 2013:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was for 7am. Got there at 6:35am. Spent about 5hrs there because they were a lot of people. Even though I had gone through visa process before(wen I got my student visa some years ago) I was still nervous. But thankfully I took a magazine wit me so that helped me pass time. They attended to those with little children and elderly people first. my advise is to open that sealed envelope that d hospital gives you before you get to the embassy on the day of your interview(that was d only setback 4 me because I didn't open mine n so wen I got 2 d security check,they said if I had any sealed envelope,I should go far outside d gate 2 open it in case it was a letter bomb...ℓ☺ℓ. So wen I came back,I was asked 2 go back 2 d back of d line) Anyway,there where 3 guys interviewing immigrant cases n only 1 was granting a lot of approvals without many questions. And God gave me that particular one. I smiled and he asked me just 3 questions.
How did I met my fianc... read complete review

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Review #12297 on July 9, 2013:



· 8 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

First and foremost..... I give all of our Glory to God......Most highest praise and honor.....I also could not have done any of this with VJ

Our interview was July 3, 2013. @ 7:00am. This was my fifth visit to Naija, since reuniting with my Fiance a year and half ago, but this visit was so very very important to the both of us..... I headed out for Lagos five before our big day to prepare fully. The morning of his interview we decided to wake up around 3:30 am to pray, get dressed
and eat a little something. We made great timing and we were in the car by 4:30am which was the targeted time for us to leave. We prayed while driving again and we also rehearsed some more possible questions. We arrived by 5:10 am and we were approached as soon as we pulled in by guys who wanted to sell us passport pics and ready to staple your passport pic to your DS 156....(Ignore not necessary at all), as long as you bring your passport photos....you need (3) and you don't have to sta... read complete review

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Review #12281 on July 8, 2013:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Husband interview was on 6/5 @ 10:00am. He arrived for his interview 3 hours ahead of time. He was processed through at 8:00am. He said they collected everything he had and he was moved onto the next stage. He told me that he arrived in the interview section of the place and sat there watching as many of the men where being "Denied" by the same lady that had denied him a year earlier and he said he begin to pray and ask GOD to please do not let him get that hateful lady again because she just acted like to him she had a grudge against men. He said he sat there as folks that was after him was being called ahead of him and he begin to get angry but then he said he heard in his spirit "patiently wait my child". He said he thought to himself why is GOD saying that to him when he was only angry because it seem like to him they were overlooking him. He said finally after 4 hours the man called him to the window. Ask him was his name Mr.**** ***** **** and he said he replied yes sir. Then he ... read complete review

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