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Mexico US Consulate Reviews

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Mexico US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.7 / 5
575 Review(s)
Review #14501 on May 21, 2014:



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Juarez, Mexico
Review #14463 on May 15, 2014:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I am really happy with happy with the consulate in Juarez, and glad our journey came to an end.
My wife had her interview on May 8, 2014 at 9:15 am, she was out by 10:15am.
we stay at la Quinta In, I will suggest this hotel to anyone. There is other hotels that are closer to the consulate, but la Quinta makes everything really easy. The will give you a ride everywhere you need to go. the saving where amazing there, breakfast is included (Good tasty Mexican food). The ride from the airport was $250 pesos, but la Quinta in no charge. All you have to do wait for the shuttle to come back or make an appointment, they will take you to the door step.
We got to the Hotel Saturday may 3 and had some family time at the near by places.
Monday May, 5 we had medical done at the Frontera Clinic. We had made an appointment, so no wait. where there for about 3 hrs and paid close to $380 Dlls. for medical exam and a couple of vaccines my wife needed. when bak next day to... read complete review

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Review #14369 on May 1, 2014:




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Review Topic: IR-5 Visa

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Review #14368 on May 1, 2014:




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Juarez, Mexico
Review #14310 on April 18, 2014:

Aidee Alcantar

Aidee Alcantar


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The officer asked do you want your interview in English or Spanish? I said English please. He said ok raise your right hand and do you swear to tell the truth etc? I said I do, he took a Scan of my right 4 fingers, had to do it twice since system crashed he then asked the following questions:

Who is petitioning you? My husband ***********
Is this your first and only marriage? Yes
Is this his first and only marriage? Yes
When did you get married? September 26, 2009
Do you have kids? Not yet
When did you leave the U.S? This Sunday, March 30
When did you cross the U.S? August 1994
How did you cross? I don't know I was six years old
Did your parents cross with you? I don't know
Did they pay a coyote? I don't know
He said your parents never told you? No I never asked
He said ok you were young to remember.

He said can I see your approval of your waiver I gave it to him. He went through... read complete review

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