India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9
/ 5
943 Review(s)
Mumbai, India | Review #9846 on June 15, 2012: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My fiance went to Consulate around 7 AM and got in line. There was huge line for Non-immigrant visas and extremely short line for Immigrant visa, only 4 people. She got in that line all of them were asked to enter inside before the non-immigrant applicants. My fiance had already put her mobile and other electronic items in the locker facility provided by the VFS, so going through security was a breeze. All she had was relevant documents required for the interview in a clear plastic bag.
Inside the Consulate:
- One Indian lady officer asked her:
1. What is your name?
2. Who is calling you to US?
3. Did you bring the Demand Draft?
- She was asked to submit the DD was told to wait until her number was called.
- She waited upto 9 Am just talking to other applicants who were waiting.
- She was sitting right in front of the window counter where one American Lady officer was taking people's interview. The L... read complete review
New Delhi, India | Review #9817 on June 12, 2012: |

· 2 people found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
I will fast forward to the interview day. I (the petitioner) traveled to India to accompany my fiancee for the interview.
7:00 am - Drive to the embassy from South Delhi
7:30 am - Arrive at the embassy. There's a crowd of people waiting. The embassy is not open yet. People are just standing around.
7:45 am - In line to enter the embassy. They are letting people who are scheduled for 8:00 am and 8:15 am into the embassy now.
7:55 am - Enter the embassy and pass a small security check point.
8:05 am - Get a token number. The token number for K1/K3 visa start with J. Our token number was one of the first 5 J token numbers.
8:10 am - Asked to take a seat at the general seating area inside the embassy
8:20 am - Asked to stand in a line where finger prints are being taken for all `J` token holders.
8:25 am - Asked to seat in a different area (all immigrant visa applicants are seated here)
8:45 am - Called to a counter by ... read complete review
New Delhi, India | Review #9788 on June 6, 2012: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
New Delhi Interview Experience
Note : Ajacks and Gjacks are greatful to the Visa Journey Community thanks for getting us 95% there to the end of the 1st step.
07:15 – I am in my cousins car from Netaji Nagar past the Leela Palace to the US Embassy.
07:23 – Reach my fiancé Gjacks
07:30 – Line up in the scorching delhi heat for the 7:45 and 8:00 appointments
07:45 – Line starts moving, we check in one mobile phone into the security tent (collect 1st token)
08:15 – 2nd security check airport style, then to walk to an outside counter where you are told who to pick up and get the computerized embassy token number (ours was J number since it was a immigrant visa)
08:20 – sit down with fiance and watch the hilarious consular assistance staff. There is one member who tries to look like a hero from a Bollywood film by ordering applicants around and telling them where to sit. When you initially sit down and there are f... read complete review
Mumbai, India | Review #9787 on June 6, 2012: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Rating only
Mumbai, India | Review #9654 on May 10, 2012: |

· 2 people found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
I got to the consulate at 7. In a matter of minutes, separate queues were formed for the immigration and non-immigration visas. Was let inside the consulate at 8 am. Got the token number and then was asked to place all files, my wallet, and watch on a tray to be scanned. Once done with that, was sent to another section of the consulate. There, immigrant visa applicants were sent to counters 1 through 15. I was called for my biometrics at 9 am. After fingerprinting, all original documents were returned to me. Then the officer asked me the following questions.
- Who has petitioned for you?
- When did you get married?
- Were you aware that your husband was married before?
- What went wrong?
- Did he get a divorce?
- What about your previous marriage? Did you submit your divorce decree?
- Are you a malayalee?
- Where are you from? Where in Trivandrum?
- What other names were you known by?
- What are you working as? ... read complete review
Now Showing Records 646 to 650 (of 943 total) |