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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #9788

New Delhi, India Review on June 6, 2012:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

New Delhi Interview Experience
Note : Ajacks and Gjacks are greatful to the Visa Journey Community thanks for getting us 95% there to the end of the 1st step.
07:15 – I am in my cousins car from Netaji Nagar past the Leela Palace to the US Embassy.
07:23 – Reach my fiancé Gjacks
07:30 – Line up in the scorching delhi heat for the 7:45 and 8:00 appointments
07:45 – Line starts moving, we check in one mobile phone into the security tent (collect 1st token)
08:15 – 2nd security check airport style, then to walk to an outside counter where you are told who to pick up and get the computerized embassy token number (ours was J number since it was a immigrant visa)
08:20 – sit down with fiance and watch the hilarious consular assistance staff. There is one member who tries to look like a hero from a Bollywood film by ordering applicants around and telling them where to sit. When you initially sit down and there are few applicants in the room, the air conditioning is sufficient. But at peak capacity the a/c is useless but oh well its American soil. Go Red White and Blue !
09:15 – Fingerprints call. Be sure to smile and follow instructions
10:45 – Document submission call from ticket number. My fiancé did not submit at VFS so this took a little longer. The job letter and the paystubs for my case were returned when we tried to submit I134. Also the Indian original birth certificate was returned. The indian staff member collecting documents slightly scared us when he told us that we did not submit the medical from Max. But we knew that we had a last medical test which takes 2 months to complete and brought our receipts. The process went on and he then asked us to pay the $240 fee at the cashier and return to his counter. This document clerk also asked some pre interview questions – where do you work , who are we (petitioner and fiancé both), job titles, where do you live – what address for both. Collected the cashier slip after making the payment and returned to the counter to submit the receipt.
11:15 – Sit and Wait
11:30 – Sit and Wait
11:35 – Someone comes out and states in hindi that when you go to the next counter please raise your hand and promise to the tell the truth under oath. Not sure why they needed to do this but oh well. Gotta keep on keepin on
11:55 – Number is called, we did not expect to conduct the interview, just give the oath but right after both of us gave the oath, the CO conducting the interview (Indian-American with full sleeve shirt and cufflinks) told me the US petitioner to “kindly have a seat.” I was a bit startled but then realized the interview had begun.
11:57 – Gjacks conducts the interview – here is her account:
CO – Gjacks, is that your name ? , When did you meet for the first time ?, Where did you meet for the first time ? Is that a mall ? Why did you meet at a mall ? How did you two get introduced ? Is it arranged ? Did the families meet first ? Who from each family met ? Was Ajacks there at that first introduction ? Did the parents come for the engagement ? Why did Ajacks mother not attend ? Where does Ajacks mother work ? When did Ajacks go to the USA (Answer to this was slightly tricky since Ajacks is born and raised in the good old US of A) ? Why do you plan to get married in the USA ? Even though ajacks’ family friends etc are in the US, your family and friends are in India – why USA ? My fiancé gjacks then asked “Do you want to see the evidence” – response from the CO – “your interview is the evidence.”
CO – Smiled and gave gjacks 221g for the pending medical report which we both were already prepared for and also told us that we would kindly revalidate the expiring petition. We just have to submit the medical at VFS along with the passport and will be through. Both of us were kind of in shock and had a celebratory samosa outside in the waiting area.

Hope this helps someone. The actual interview lasted 6 minutes.

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