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Haiti US Consulate Reviews

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Haiti US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.2 / 5
140 Review(s)
Review #8912 on December 20, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

sorry it took a week to do this, I've started this so many time just never finish it or forgot to post it.
ok so my husband reached the Embassy around 5:50 he was determined to be there way before time. we were on the phone the whole time while he was outside and around 7 they started letting people in. At that time he handed the phone over to my brother in law and we stayed on the phone either talking or messaging until my hubby came back out to give me the best Christmas present ever!!! so my hubby told me that "IN THE NAME OF JESUS WE ARE APPROVED!!!!" i just broke down crying because NVC had lost his police report from DR and for us to get another one it would be another visa to go there and request one but thank God i made copies of everything!!!
my hubby went to the 1st window and the lady only asked him for his Medical and asked him a couple of questions like his name and my name and who i was to him and went to get his file then told him to go sit down and wait.... read complete review

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Review #8867 on December 14, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband arrived at the US Embassy at 6.30am and the line was full of people he noticed there was a man outside stating that there was some kind of form that needed to be completed that would cost $120.00 US which I told him to ignore. Once he got in to the building he realized it was a scam he was called up to a window and a very nice lady asked him for his paper work. Per my husband they only cared about two things which was the photos and western union papers although he brought. Lots of other proof. Finally they told him to have a seat after about 45min a nice young man asked him 1. Who is sending for you?
2. When did you meet? 3. What is her mother/fathers name? 4.do you guys have any kids? 5.When was the last time you saw her. 6. And how many times you saw her ? my husband told him he couldn’t remember cause it was at least more then 5 times within one year then the co started laughing and told him congrats your approved.
I want to thank Visa Journey and al... read complete review

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Review #8709 on November 15, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

American Embassy in Haiti CR1 interview process.

We arrived at about 6:50 am to a line of about 50 people outside the embassy it took about 5 minutes to enter.
Two security check points.
Once inside a young security officer/usher sat us down in a strange order that ended up being our lines and sometimes the first people became last. It was not a problem because they have AC.
Tip one bring some form of entertainment... Tip two bring snacks if you do not eat breakfast.

Now the meat of it. After waiting in line for about a half hour we went to a window a nice lady asked for our paper she went and got my husbands file asked him if he was the person in the picture.
She only asked for our pictures and Western union receipts. She said if the interviewer needs more pictures we can give them. I was able to get a print out from Western Union of our past years transactions but I had the actual receipts too. She took both I had two photo al... read complete review

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Review #8654 on November 6, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We arrived at about 6:45am. We went through 2 security check points and had a seat in the waiting area. The Embassy was clean, nice and air conditioned.

1. My fiance was called to the first window. Nice girl...she asked for any additional documentation that needed to be submitted (DS-157 and another original divorce decree for me.) They were both submitted.

The clerk assembled the papers and typed some stuff in the computer. She then verified my email address and his cell phone number and adresss. She strangely said " make sure your phone is always on and charged. We giggled and explained we talk everyday so there is no way that phone would ever be off. She smiled and said ok just be sure....(We should have known at that very moment it was a subliminal message that admin review was already documented in the sytem.)

2. My fince was called again to go get his fingerprints taken and then we waited to be called for the intervie... read complete review

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Review #8323 on September 16, 2011:



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Review Topic: General Review

In the Embassy when he entered they asked if he was there for a tourist visa, Green card visa, or k-1. Afterwards they sent him to another area where had to sit and wait. There were several cases there at the consul.

When he was called up to give his papers they asked him for his interview letter, medical paper, and all receipts from transfers.

From there they sent him to get his finger prints when he was done he had to sit and wait to be called. When he was called up he brought all his paper work/proof with him.

The questions they asked him were not difficult but if you don't answer confidently they will ask you more questions. If you are stressed or nervous they will think you are not being truthful. Also my fiance noticed that the consular began the interview in English but finished speaking creole because he told them that I (his fiance) speak creole and my parents were born in Haiti.

The Interview:

Pleas... read complete review

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