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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #8709

Haiti Review on November 15, 2011:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

American Embassy in Haiti CR1 interview process.

We arrived at about 6:50 am to a line of about 50 people outside the embassy it took about 5 minutes to enter.
Two security check points.
Once inside a young security officer/usher sat us down in a strange order that ended up being our lines and sometimes the first people became last. It was not a problem because they have AC.
Tip one bring some form of entertainment... Tip two bring snacks if you do not eat breakfast.

Now the meat of it. After waiting in line for about a half hour we went to a window a nice lady asked for our paper she went and got my husbands file asked him if he was the person in the picture.
She only asked for our pictures and Western union receipts. She said if the interviewer needs more pictures we can give them. I was able to get a print out from Western Union of our past years transactions but I had the actual receipts too. She took both I had two photo albums one from shutter fly a nice book of our life in pictures with me him friends and family from the start of our relationship up until my last visit. As well as a nice hand made photo album of our wedding pictures ( I got the idea here on VJ it took time to make but I love it and everyone who sees it can see the love we truly have for each other).

We had soo many receipts and with the books the lady could not find a way to keep out folder closed. The most ironic part of it was she did not ask for the tons of other proof I had which was a binder full. Phone card the actual cards phone records FB messages a letter from my mom extra pay stubs hotel receipts bank records.

I do not regret compiling any of this info better over prepared I would have hated to fly to Haiti and not have something they asked for that I had the ability to have...

Back to the interview so we waited and waited and waited they called everyone but us. So I listened and listened and listened to all of the interviews within ear range. There was a male interviewer an American with a very strange way of speaking Creole many people said they could not understand him. He was the HARDEST!!

Questions he asked were. So your spouse does not speak creole so how did you communicate?
He asked the most personal questions. Many couples got strokes interviews (separate questions). The people who had to come back another day it seemed that it was mostly paper work or more evidence was needed.

The we continued to wait and then everyone was done someone asked us if we had our interview yet. We said no. this sweet round faced lady found our file and swore us in in Creole, she began the questions but I don't speak creole but I understand some and because I kept answering in English she realized I don't speak Creole so she switched to English.

Questions were only posed to my husband 1 does your wife work? 2 what does she do?
3 Where does she work? 4 What company does she work for? Does she live in a house or an apartment? Where? What city? What state?

He answered a few wrong and one he did not know the exact company I work for. And for some reason he said Queens 2 times he said it was English that was confusing him a bit but overall he did well.

She turned and clicked away at the keyboard for a few seconds and announced congratulations your visa has been approved!!!!!!!!! The whole interview took less than 5 minutes!!!

In all truth I attribute or success to God because we have a large age gap it was never mentioned my family has only spoken to him on the phone never asked about that.

We had a Great lawyer so our paper work was on Point!!! And I had tons of evidence if we were not last or got someone else who was rough...who knows what it would have been like.

I prayed to get the right interviewer for months.

His visa is taking 18 days to process. I made the mistake of buying a ticket for him to fly back with me I lost about $150.00 so be sure you don't make my mistake buy once the visa is in hand.

To all the true love couples out there I pray you will be together soon!!

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