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Colombia US Consulate Reviews

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Colombia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
565 Review(s)
Bogota, Colombia
Review #7170 on February 16, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #7135 on February 5, 2011:

Mary y Leo


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We arrived at the Embassy around 6:15am, they were a lot of people at that time so we were in line line 1, after a few minutes some ladies were checking the interview dates, so one of them told us to go to line 3(this line was shorter), around 6:25am we entered into the Embassy and went to line 40, after receiving a green folder, we put all the document requires in that folder, Income tax for last year, DS230,passport, 2 pictures, (remember, even so you already sent all these documents to NVC, its a good idea to take it with you for the interview again).My husband returned the folder to the lady and we just seated and waited. around 9:30am a lady for window 7 called my husband so we both approached to the window but the lady in the window told my husband to tell me to go back a sit down, I got nervous at this time but I put everything in God\'s hand. my husband returned after 10 minutes and he had a little interview, what was my name, my age, where I am from, and after this, the lady ... read complete review

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #7120 on February 2, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

First Off...While you are waiting in the morning to be let in a guy from the photocopy shop across the street will come over and try to tell you that you need a copy of your passport and cedula to give to Domesa...this is a LIE! The only reason you would need a copy of your passport is if you forgot to bring your cedula to show to Domesa.

Well...pretty standard experience...got to the embassy at 5:30 am and there were already 7 people in line. At about 6:15-6:30 they began telling us how to line up out front (line 3 for resident visas). Once in line we went through security and then went inside to window 40 and got our folder. Once the docs. are organized in the folder you go back up and wait for her to approve the contents of your folder. My husband was called 3rd or 4th up to the window so they could return duplicate docs. and give him a sort of preliminary interview. She asked him were we met, who the co-sponsor was (my dad), how many times had he been to the US, whic... read complete review

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #7082 on January 22, 2011:

Love is mysterios

Love is mysterios


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Like Robert de Bonda below my fiancee and I were also in line at 6:00 AM on this same Wednesday January 19, 2011 for our K-1 interview.

To the letter of Robert de Bonda review (below) I ditto every step in the process this day. (BTW Robert- now I recognize that you were sitting 4 rows behind us and I heard Victoria's name being called about 15 minuets before we were).

The consulate lady was VERY polite and professional with us. She ask my fiancee a few questions then me a few questions. She told me that our package was very well prepared and put together, all the details were correct - which I give my thanks to all the reading and help from this board!

IMPORTANT - I must relate the comment that we received from the woman at window #7 (the woman who checks over the paperwork before finger printing and the actual interview) as she told us both, and I qoute now "It is a very good thing that the BOTH OF YOU are here and present for the intervie... read complete review

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #7078 on January 21, 2011:

Robert de Bonda

Robert de Bonda


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Bogota Embassy K-1 Visa Review

My fiancee Viko and I went for our K-1 visa interview on Wednesday January 19, 2011. As with all immigrant visa applications, we were scheduled for 7:00am. Anxious that we were, we arrived at 5:35am. There were already 2 people on line and we later learned that 3 others had already crossed the "police tape" and were lined up further ahead at the security control booth.

Having read previous Visa Journey reviews, we lined up at Line 3 and waited. At about 6:30am, the women who work at the embassy that were in charge of ensuring that only persons with appointments could enter appeared and took their places at the front of each line. An announcement was made over the PA system that told everyone which line they should be on. We were already in Line 3 and stayed there.

At Line 3, they put green stickers on our clothing and directed us to window 40. We now had to go through the Security Control Point, much like secur... read complete review

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