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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
611 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #6755 on October 23, 2010:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Arrived and had two separate lines. 1 for immigrant visas and another for other services. They checked our passport photos while standing in line to enter the consulate. A couple people needed to retake their photo due to hair covering the ears. Entered through security about 8am where we checked our cell phone. Headed upstairs to the immigrant visa processing room. Everyone was asked to put their documents in the correct order. Then we were called by name where they checked the order of the documents. After they called us to go into one of the rooms where they pulled our file of all documents sent to immigration and the NVC. He verified we had all the required documents and gave back all the documents previously submitted. I brought all originals and certified documents to the interview just in case something got misplaced in the process. But they received everything from the NVC and did not need anything more. After we sat back down and waited. We waited a long time due t... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #6698 on October 7, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I wanted to share a bit of my experience at the consulate yesterday. They book everybody on the same time slot. Don't think that they will see you at the time. They request everybody to arrive at 7:15. At this time, when you get there the line outside the building is really long already. Be ready to stay there for hours. They only let us in at around 8am after a lady with a green jacket had checked everyone's documents. A lot of people had the wrong passport photos: either the wrong size or the EARS were not showing. Make sure you EARS ARE COMPLETELY UNCOVERED! Once we were in, they directed us upstairs where we had the documents checked by the same lady from downstairs and then by a second person inside a little room. Visajourney.com is a great website when it comes to giving information on all the documents needed, but to make sure check this website: http://www.embaixadaameric... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #6679 on October 1, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Had our interview today. Approved! The process was fairly quick. She was second in line, and the actual interview only lasted 10 minutes. Make sure you get to the consulate early in the morning. The person interviewing asked questions about her stay in the U.S., where I was, how did we meet. She seemed to be impatient, but not rude. Tried to get her to say she was in the U.S. to work, but that was never the case. My fiancé was invited to come for ministry training only. She didn't ask to see any proof of relationship, or new material that we had gathered, but only used what she was sent from the U.S.

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #6662 on September 27, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

sorry to have to use the translator, but would love to share my experience with you.

Well my interview was as follows:

I arrived with one hour in advance at the consulate for pure anxiety because I was one of the last to be interviewed. The line for K-1 is separated from the others. So we refer to the second floor with a password (no good to go before your interview will not let you enter it). Reaching the second floor will be in a room with the other petitioners k-1 visa that will be as nervous as you.

The girl's reception will give all necessary information and order for the documents. Then send you to a booth where there will be another woman who will check if all documents are in order.

After all people have the documents in order to call the consul begins by name. It is called a random so do not be upset if the person who came and / or completed after you are named on the front.

People do not take t... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #6596 on September 10, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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