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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
611 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7657 on May 25, 2011:

Que Saudade


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We got there really early about 6am. Didn't plan it like that, we overestimated how long it would take us to get there. Even so, people for tourist visa were already there. The tourists line up on the side (Rua Mexico) and the immigrant visas line up in the back of the consulate on Rua Santa Luzia. A guy will come around and ask if you have a cell phone, for a fee they will lock it up for you. They are strict with the electronics rule and no large bags!!! Shortly after 7am a lady came out and had the names of the immigrant visa applicants. She asked to see the photos and then checked your name off and gives you a slip of paper that you fill out later. Do not be alarmed with the tremendous amount of people as they are mostly for tourist visa and handled separately. Soon after they let some people in, they let the immigrant applicants in and you go through a metal detector and your personal items are x-rayed. Then head up to the 2nd floor. Once everyone is in, the lady starts explaining ... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7623 on May 19, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interview from start to finish just took around 3 hours. (7:15am -10:30ish am)

I arrived about 1 hour before scheduled time of 7:15am. Tourists line up on Rua Mexico while K-1s line up on Rua Santa Luisa (basically, K-1s line up at the back of the Consulate). Around 7:00, 2 guards turned into 50. A lady in a green vest came out and checked photos and gave us our number in which we would be called into the interview. We were let it, went through the metal detector and lead upstairs to a waiting room. Once there the lady spoke in Portuguese and explained what to do and how to organized your papers, which you can have done already by visiting the consulate website. After that she calls you to the back of the room to a desk where she checks your papers. Then you go to either room 1 or 2 when told and another person checks papers. We had an older lady, who was serious but kind. Once she put everything in order, she had my fiancee sign 1 or 2 papers and then we were finis... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7482 on April 20, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa


I hope I can share my interview day with you guys and it can help you guys in your process.

My interview day was nice, yes it was =). On 7: 15 all the girls were in line the most part alone including me. And we were talking and sharing our history with each other. Then a woman very nice, polite and helpful came to check the pictures. After that we went inside in a room and the same woman gave us a document with the order of the documents and say to you to sign the DS 156 and DS 230 if you didn't do it yet. So then she checks your documents to make sure is in the right order.

So them they start to calling the numbers (you will receive a number when you are in line outside).

So then you go to a room and they check your documents again and say for you if something is missing. Then they start to calling the numbers to the interview. During this time all of us were talking,laughing helping each other and wishing good luck. And ... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7427 on April 12, 2011:

Ty & Nanda


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My Fiancé did her interview on her own as I was unable to make it due to work schedule. She arrived on time had all her documents in order as well as photos, msn conversations , hotel receipts and a few other docs .. Her interview lasted 5 minn , 3 questions were asked and none of the documents were requested or looked at. She paid the 90.00 Fee to ship her passport to Bahia and was out the door at about 12pm , all in all she said it was pretty simple just very very fast …

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7384 on April 6, 2011:



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Review Topic: General Review

Average experience prior to the interview, processed paperwork, everything checked out fine, pretty much like all the other reviews. We were near the end of interviews, saw most people leaving the interview with smiles. Very nerve racking experience for everyone, I would rate this as one of the more stressfull experiences in my life!
I would say for me it was very important to be here with my fiance, and I'm lucky I could be there with her. I can imagine the stress upon a person alone, I give all the people who have done this alone very high respect.
The interview was like a bad dream, as soon as we walked in she started barking at my fiance for the number (ticket they give you), really putting us both in shock! Then the biometrics she was visibly agitated the way my fiance was putting her fingers on the screen, then immediately started in on the questions...
Most of the questions had to do with a tourist visa we applied for in Recife about a year previous, we ... read complete review

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