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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews

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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
128 Review(s)
Dallas Review #16365. Entry: 2017-05-15




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Smooth entry to USA at DFW airport.
Directed first to permanent resident line but did not know what status to use in automated passport system. Was redirected to non US citizen line. Passed thro the passport control and secondary inspection smoothly in about 20 minutes. Cleared customs and ca... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16465. Entry: 2017-04-06




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

USCIS in DFW Airport was nice, asked a few questions, reviewed the information and stamped the passport.

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Dallas Review #16314. Entry: 2017-03-10




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

It took less than 2 minutes - even faster than ESTA entries. The officer just took my passport and opened the packet, took my fingerprints while he stamped my passport. Only question asked was if my partner was traveling with me, and then DONE!

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Dallas Review #16248. Entry: 2016-11-23



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My partner flew in with Emirates airline from Dubai.

He was near the back of the plane for unfortunately he had quite the line to wait to get through when he got to the immigrations.

He had said it was so slow at first because there was only 3 immigrations officers at f... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16238. Entry: 2016-11-08




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I had an absolutely great experience with my POE in Dallas. The Immigration area is very well organized and there are separate booths for different Visa types (Tourist is separate from Crew, K1 goest to Other visas). This makes things so much easier and quicker for everyone.
The CBPO was ver... read complete review

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