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Chicago US Port of Entry Reviews

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Chicago US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
291 Review(s)
Chicago Review #14816. Entry: 2010-09-15



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My fiancé entered the US yesterday on his K-1 in Chicago. The CBP agent he was dealing with was very rude to him making him feel embarrassed. The officer opened up the brown package and started to read everything inside. He told my fiancé that since I am still a student he should not be allowed to... read complete review

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Chicago Review #14869. Entry: 2010-09-03



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

O'Hare Airport (Chicago) Very easy, all paperwork and stamping was done at the immigration desk. They asked a few questions, and stamped away. 5 minutes... done.

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Chicago Review #14729. Entry: 2010-06-29




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

All visitors to the US should pass the immigration area. There was a very long line at immigration area but the officers were fast so I only spent around 30 minutes waiting until my turn. There were two immigration officers who interviewed me and both were okay and accommodating. No harrassment at a... read complete review

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Chicago Review #14709. Entry: 2010-05-15

Polar Bear

Polar Bear


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I arrived at ORD at 3:30pm. My SO's flight arrived on time at 4:13pm. I stood at gate B. I waited and waited and waited and waited. WOW, was I getting nervous, I did not know what to do. I called my sister and parents and the told me to relax and wait. There was sooooooo many people there waiti... read complete review

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Chicago Review #14691. Entry: 2010-05-05

A + M


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

(updated on August 28, 2013)

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