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Tampa FL USCIS Office Reviews

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Tampa FL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
53 Review(s)
Tampa FL Review #22378 on August 21, 2017:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Its been over 3 years since my AOS Interview so I am sorry if I have forgotten some of the finer details, especially with regards to the types of questions I was asked. I had intended to write my review immediately after but things just always got in the way and then I forgot!
Anyway, here is my review:
We were the very first interview of the day and it was on a Saturday. We arrived early and USCIS had not yet opened the doors to the building. After a 15 mins wait, we were able to enter the building, go through security, show our appointment letter and were then given a number and told to proceed to the waiting room. I think we waited approx 20 mins and then we were called in together. Our officer was polite and led us to the interview room. He had our file on his desk but he did not look at it. He was friendly at first, talked about sports to my husband...then asked us some basic questions about where we live, how we met and when did we decide to get married etc. I am su... read complete review

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Tampa FL Review #20849 on November 11, 2016:



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Review Topic: General Review

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Tampa FL Review #20846 on November 10, 2016:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We came about 15 minutes before our interview but had to wait almost two hours since the case before us was a "difficult one". The lady before us said the interviewer was aggressive, etc. They will observe you as they call the other cases so be on your best behavior. We had the same officer as the lady who complained (Polish, first name Janusz). He was nothing but nice and did apologize about the wait. He was straightforward and polite, but did tell us if we said anything to discredit our marriage he would drag it longer. If you have the best intentions, honest, and cordial there should be no problem! He said he would approve us the same day and we didn't even have to disclose any relationship stuff except he asked me how we met. The interview lasted but 5 minutes and though he was curt he was very nice!

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Tampa FL Review #19331 on April 18, 2016:


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Review Topic: Naturalization

Today was the big interview. We got there at 12:00, as our appointment was at 12:25. Long line just to get to the waiting room as there was only person working the desk and she was as slow as molasses. Once inside, they started calling numbers completely at random, we were 97, the first number they called as 89, then 95, then 103, etc, etc. My wife was finally called back a 1:29 and she came back out at 1:50. First up was the standard oath, then the interviewer (lady from Puerto Rico) started going through some of the application...all standard review. Then she was asked the 6 civics question.
1. We elect a US Senator for how many years?
2. Name one branch or part of the government.
3. What did the declaration of Independence do? (side note, my wife said "declared our independence" which is supposed to be an acceptable answer, but the interviewer asked the follow up question of "From who?"
4. What does the president's cabinet do?
5. If both the presi... read complete review

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Tampa FL Review #18149 on October 24, 2015:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interview lasted 10 mins... was just ask how long we were married... and showed pictures of vacations

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