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Syracuse NY USCIS Office Reviews

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Syracuse NY USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
8 Review(s)
Syracuse NY Review #15095 on August 30, 2014:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Syracuse NY Review #9370 on March 22, 2012:


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Review Topic: Lifting Conditions

My husband's biometrics was at 8am in the morning. We drove up to Syracuse the previous morning and stayed at the EconoLodge on James Street which ended up being only a five-minute drive to the office. We got to the office around 7:45am and the building was locked so we ended up waiting around until some guy got tired of waiting outside and got into the building through the parking garage. Once they opened up the doors, my husband was the first to go in. I waited in the car with the baby but I could see that the spouses weren't being let into the office anyway, they were all sitting on the windowsill in the hall (last time we were here, we were the only ones at the office so I was allowed in). It only took about ten minutes for my husband to get inside, fill out the form they handed him, and get his fingerprints taken and whatever else he had to get done... Since we were out of work for the rest of the day anyway and our commute was about 4 hours long, we decided to take the baby... read complete review

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Syracuse NY Review #5464 on December 29, 2009:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was biometrics for both AOS and EAD.

My husband's biometrics appointment was this morning at 9am. Syracuse is a good 1.5 hour drive in good weather, so we allowed ourselves half an hour extra due to the road conditions in the area. We arrived to the office about 20 minutes early and went in because the office looked empty. When we got into the building and went to the immigration office door, the immigration security officer, a woman with short sandy hair and glasses, opened the door. I handed her our NOA1's but she gave us a hard time about not being able to process us without our appointment letter... I told her that I had not even seen an appointment letter, but she insisted that the only way we could know when and where our appointment was is if we had that letter. Of course, I explained that I had checked online and had gotten the information that way because as far as I knew, I had not received the appointment letter. This whole time, she sto... read complete review

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