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Venezuela US Consulate Reviews

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Venezuela US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
104 Review(s)
Caracas, Venezuela
Review #10171 on August 13, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hi guys! we had our interview Wednesday 8-8-2012. We arrived at the embassy in Caracas at 8 am (our appointment was at 8:30). We first had to listen to the a security speech about what is allowed inside the embassy. Then we proceeded to the first check where the staple the DHL form to the passports, at this time I thought I (the US citizen) had to go through a different entrance but after trying that they said I had to stay with my fiance. After going through that process we entered a courtyard with a cafeteria where they give another set of instructions. At this point we asked where to go for immigration appointments and they sent up to the line on the left side of the courtyard (there is no need to listen to the instructions being given in the courtyard because they are for visitors and student visas). after this we went through the security scanner and got to another line that goes down a set of stairs DO NOT DO THIS LINE its really long and its for visitor and student visas. ... read complete review

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Caracas, Venezuela
Review #10158 on August 10, 2012:

Juan y Sandra


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

buenas noches mi pregunta es cuanto tiempo tarda en asignar la fecha de la entrevista después de recibir la noa2 una vez enviada desde el centro nacional de visa a la embajada???

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Review #9714 on May 23, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

First, you have to be patience. I got there at 5.45am, and I finished at 1.00pm. There are some good reviews about the interview at this embassy, so I'm not going to get into details. The process is long, and personally, be sitting there for 6 hours waiting by myself was killing me. I grabbed a number and wait until my number was called. The lady asked me for the forms (ds230, ds156, ds156k) then she asked me for my birth certificate, police record, and the i134 and taxes. For the evidence of the relationship she asked me just for 5 pictures, and the only question was "how did you meet your fiancee?", it was a 4 minutes process.

For the second interview, another lady asked me "Does your fiancee speak spanish?" which I said yes, and right away she said that my visa was approved. It took 2 minutes, maybe less. And she gave me back my pictures.

Everything was in spanish. And after that, a 200 people line to pay DHL.

Good Luck!

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Review #9713 on May 23, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

First, you have to be patience. I got there at 5.45am, and I finished at 1.00pm. There are some good reviews about the interview at this embassy, so I'm not going to get into details. The process is long, and personally, be sitting there for 6 hours waiting by myself was killing me. I grabbed a number and wait until my number was called. The lady asked me for the forms (ds230, ds156, ds156k) then she asked me for my birth certificate, police record, and the i134 and taxes. For the evidence of the relationship she asked me just for 5 pictures, and the only question was "how did you meet your fiancee?", it was a 4 minutes process.

For the second interview, another lady asked me "Does your fiancee speak spanish?" which I said yes, and right away she said that my visa was approved. It took 2 minutes, maybe less. And she gave me back my pictures.

Everything was in spanish. And after that, a 200 people line to pay DHL.

Good Luck!

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Caracas, Venezuela
Review #9580 on April 28, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I arrived at 6:45 am and already lot of people and a big line...asked about inmigration line and they sent me to the exact point...Waited for like 2 hours and my number was called for the first interview....She was a very polite and professional lady...she asked me in spanish for the forms 156, 156K and 230...Then she asked me for the birth certificate and the divorce decree (JUST COPIES). While reviewing this papers she asked me some questions. When and How do we met...How old is he...How long have we met..When was our first meeting in person and where..What was the name of the Hotel we stayed in our first trip together (Which I didnt remember .....and I said I dont remember the name but we spent 5 days and we went in a excursion to this places there)....If I was been before to USA...What my family and Kids thinks about our relation. How we comunicate..If he has been in Caracas....then she asked me for the police record and the I-134 and one copy of the taxes (2011 and 2010).She didnt... read complete review

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