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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1815 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #28463 on August 19, 2020:

Celia Kosinski


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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London, United Kingdom
Review #28460 on August 19, 2020:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I went into the London embassy at 10:10am, went up to the kiosk outside the main door and handed over my DS-260 confirmation page, (which had photos paperclipped to it) along with my passport.
She wrote something on my DS-260 and instructed me to enter the building to go through security. Before I went through security, I was asked to unlock my phone to make sure it was working, then i put my items in a tray and walked through a metal detector/scanner.
This literally took not even 5 mins and i was instructed to go through the door and walk up the hill to this main embassy building (south pavillion I think it was called).
I was so excited and so in awe of how amazing the building looked!
So once i was inside the building, I walked up to the main desk and handed over my passport and DS-260 again which he put a new sticker on with my identification number on.
I was advised to take the lift up to the first floor, then turn left, walk down the corridor and... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #28443 on August 12, 2020:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

IR1 Spousal Visa 10th August 2020

TL:DR - Really friendly, helpful and relaxed place and friendly staff. Cant rate my experience highly enough. Be warned though, the doors are heavy! Give them a bit of a push/pull.

My appointment time was 11:30. My wife and I arrived at around 10:50 and there was a movable countertop (looked a little like the drink carts on planes but sideways) with two people stood at it in masks. I approached and they asked what I was there for, I told them for an interview. They asked me what time, to show my passport and confirmation of my DS-260. I handed them over and the guy signed my 260 and wrote the time on it. He told me that I couldn't go in just yet but would let me know in about 15 minutes to go through. I asked if my wife was allowed in with me, but this is a no at the moment due to COVID (understandable).
The area around the south pavilion entrance is really pretty. There is a little pond nearby outside an... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #28437 on August 10, 2020:



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Review Topic: General Review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #28431 on August 7, 2020:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My appointment was at 12:30 and I arrived at 12:00. For future readers my interview was during the time that the embassy were only doing interviews for expedites, so I was the only one there. Everyone from security, the reception and COs were really friendly. I was called up to the window the first time after waiting for only a few minutes. The CO took my appointment page with the sticker that reception had put on it, my passport, and my original certificates (birth, marriage and police). They confirmed that they had received my medical results which were submitted the day before. He gave me a leaflet on my rights as a spouse in the US. He told me that everything looked good and they had everything from the NVC stage, so I could take a seat and wait to be called up again. I sat down and waited only another 5 minutes. The next CO asked me to hold my right hand up and swear to respond truthfully to all of his questions. He asked me a lot but it didn't seem like it was coming from a place... read complete review

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