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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1822 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #1540 on April 25, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I'm submitting this review second-hand as I was not there for the interview itself. I apologize in advance if my details are flimsy as I know many of you turn to these reviews to get an idea of what to expect. My fiance's appointment was April 19th, at 9:30AM. He arrived right on time, passed through security and had to surrender his mobile phone. He was asked to pay the fee for the day, which he did and then proceeded to wait in a hallway for about an hour. After awhile a tall woman appeared and called him in. He said she was rather scary to be honest, he said that most of the other official people around seemed very open and nice, but this woman was very 'business'. She started out asking simple questions about where and when me met but did not seem very concerned with the topic. She did not ask to see any of the photos he brought, nor did she ask for the updated letter of intent. Her focus was the money situation. I am not employed, haven't been for 10 years, I live off the interest... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #1523 on April 21, 2007:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

My husband had his K-3 interview on Wednesday, April 18. I was with him. Some of our experience might only apply to K-3 applicants. His appointment time was 10:30 and we joined the line we were directed to outside at 9:40 am. (Note: Do not try to change lines. While we were waiting, someone changed to a shorter line and then when he got to the front of that line they sent him to the end of the line that he had moved out of and now the line he returned to was much longer and he had to go to the end.) Luckily for us, the weather was nice so waiting outside for 45 minutes was not uncomfortable. Also at some point, someone came by asking for everyone there for immigrant visas to move out of the long line to a short line. Technically, the K visas are nonimmigrant visas but for this purposes they were counting them as immigrant visas so luckily I asked whether those with K visas where suppose to move to the other line and they were.

Around 10:25 am, we were entering the visa a... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #1521 on April 21, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

As reported by my fiance:

Got in line (queue) 30 minutes prior to 10am appt. Wonderful security personnel making jokes and generally helping to ease the tension of all of the people waiting to get thrugh security. Slight problem with security...seemed the musical card I'd sent could be "seen" on the x-ray machine. Had to leave it with her cell phone. Darn..and it was so cute too! It sand "Wild Thing". LOL
Got directions from a smiling lady at reception area. Was one of only 2 "immigrant" visas waiting for appts. Called to first window, turned over police report, financial docs, etc. told to go pay $100 visa fee. Chuckled about the dollar to pound exchange rate, since this was the least expensive part of the whole process! Gave pay slip back to nice lady at initial window she was seen at. Told to have a seat.
Called for interview in less than 30 minutes. Thanks to previous posters in this section, my fiance wore a watch, so she would know how much tim... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #1512 on April 18, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

K1 Interview as told by my fiancé:

His interview was for 8:00am on April 17, 2007 and he arrived at 7:30. As he waited in the queue and there were six individuals ahead of him. At 7:50am a young lady came around and requested passport identification and interview letters from everyone waiting to enter the Embassy. Upon entry, my fiancé was required to surrender his cell phone, Ipod, and belt. At that point, he followed the Embassy representative around the building to the Counselor Section. He was given a number, told to have a seat and wait until his number is called. He waited for 15 minutes and he was called to the window to surrender and sign forms DS-230 Pt. 2 and DS156K. The representative also requested his birth certificate, police records, evidence of support, and passport. She made copies of all the information and have him back his documents. From there, he was told to return to his seat. About 20 minutes later, he was called to the window by another consul... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #1491 on April 12, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was on tuesday 10th April at 8am. I arrived at about 7:15am where there were already 2 others waiting. At just before 8 we were asked to show our appointment letter then told we could make our way inside. We had to pass through a little cabin in which we had our bags x-rayed & any electrical items removed (I had to hand over my camera & mobile phone).

I then walked round to the front of the building & walked through the door & saw a man at the desk. He gave me a ticket & told me to wait upstairs until my number was called. I was #1 on the immigrant visa waiting list so the 2 infront of me must have been appyling for non-immigrant visas.

I sat down & waited feeling very nervous & excited. After a few minutes I was called to window 1. I was asked to hand over the various forms one at a time. The lady was very friendly but was speaking incredibly quietly & I could hardly hear a word she was saying & it was making me nervous because I didn't want... read complete review

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