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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1822 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #2112 on October 16, 2007:

Barbarella UK

Barbarella UK


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Review Topic: General Review

I arrived at the Embassy 45 minutes before my appointment time. Showed my letter to the guard and was waved through to join one of four queues, each queue was for people with different appointment times - I joined the "10am" queue.

Lengthy wait ensued - note to people with forthcoming interviews: be prepared for rain. You have to wait outside for AT LEAST an hour and there is no shelter. Luckily it wasn't raining when I was there.

Eventually went through portakabin security checkpoint.

You are not allowed to take mobile phones or ipods etc into the Embassy, or any liquids. You can leave them at the cabin but I just didn't take mine with me.

Enter the Embassy - up some steps and through the door to a desk. Pleasant lady took my letter, looked at it and gave me a ticket - for KI visas the number should start with 5000 - mine was 5017.

Up some shallow stairs to my left and into large waiting area with chairs, scree... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #2080 on October 4, 2007:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

3 and half, 4 hours all together. Waiting was... well, boring. But it could be so much worse. It's very well organised for the volume of people they have to deal with (of whom most are for non-immigrant visas). The line outside was the longest wait (about 1:45-2hrs... i didn't have a watch so I'm guessing here), but I arrive an hour before my appointment time. Most people around me had the appointment for a half an hour earlier... it makes no difference.

Once in it was about half an hour before being called the first time to submit all the original papers and one copy each. The lady was pleasant, although I could barely hear her thru the glass.

Got sent back into the waiting area, after clearing up a couple of confusing points (tax stuff).... waited another half an hour, got called again, to a different lady. Raised my right arm and swore... not a four letter word this time.

She said, that's it, providing all is in order I should go and ar... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #2077 on October 3, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My review of my K1 visa interview.
My appointment was at 10am, and after reading all the reviews and tips on this website, I decided that I would get there early.
I arrived outside the Embassy at 8:55am where a security card asked to see my appointment letter and then pointed me towards one of the queues. My queue was row D. Everyone in this queue at a 10am appointment. The only other row that had people in was C, and after asking around, they all had 9:30am appointments. Security was then re-checking appointment letters and passports before calling you forward to join the queue for the x-ray machine.
9:35am and my appointment letter was checked, and I was asked to remove my belt and put all valuables and mobile phone into a clear plastic. They put this and my folder through the x-ray machine and I went through the metal detector. My wallets and belt were handed back to me (I didn't have my phone on me, but I’m guessing that isn't allowed in)
I asked the g... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #2075 on October 3, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was at 9am and arrived before 830.I waited outside a good half an hour before I went through security and was able to access building.
I was given a number and waited about an hour before I was seen by the first Inmigration officer.She was pleasant and efficient.Checked all my original documents and provided her with copies of requested documents.Also took my finger prints.
She also requested the notarized extension of our petition as it expired last month.I paid fees and was directed to the waiting area where I only waited another 15mins and I was then interview by a nice American lady who asked me to sign a document and then asked where we met and how my Fiancee proposed me and then told me that we were approved.
I was out with a big smile at 1045
We are now waiting for the delivery and I will be on my way ...

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London, United Kingdom
Review #2070 on September 29, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Arrived at the US Embassy at around 9:30am (interview time was 10am and I was instructed to turn up 30 mins beofore hand), and followed the road work like signs directing Citizens and Visa Services. There was a short line of about 10-15 people at the start of the visa entrance. At the front of this line was a woman who worked for SMS (well, she had a reflective yellow vest with SMS on the back of it) who was checking appointment times. She checked my name off against a printed list, and directed me down to another woman wearing the same type of vest.

The second woman told me to place all metal items into a small plastic bag provided. My phone and ipod went into one bag, and everything else (including belt) went into another, because I would get that one back, but the phone/ipod would not be allowed in. Once I had my things bagged, she asked my appointment time, and then directed me into one of 4 or 5 lines divided by chains. I was in row D. I assumed it was done based on... read complete review

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