United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4
/ 5
1822 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom | Review #2822 on May 2, 2008: |
Mia Clakre

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
I had my K1 appointment at the London embassy on May 1st. Although there was a lot of waiting around-- about four hours in total-- the people conducting the interviews could not have been more helpful.
First they check your documents are in order, and ask you to pay for your visa. The lady I spoke to actually said 'this is an easy case', which was great to hear as I had been worried because my finace's records show him to be below the poverty line (we have a co-sponsor, and I ONLY gave in his I-134, not my fiance's, although i had it just in case). She also said "we hardly ever have problems with K1 visas", which really helped to put me at ease.
You then pay for your visa (the credit card machine was down so I had to leave the building to get cash), and wait for the second stage...
After about an hour and a half I was called to another cubicle and was asked when and where my finacee and I met, and why I was choosing the move to the United States rather than... read complete review
London, United Kingdom | Review #2808 on April 30, 2008: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
The day started out very early for me. Nerves had already set in from the day before and I couldn't sleep so by the time I got to London at 6:30am I had already been awake for around 20 hours. Nerves are a killer. I wondered around with my mum as she kindly drove me to my interview and kept me company before the interview. As there isn't much open at 6:60am we found a Starbucks (they never seem to close) and sat down for around 40 minutes or so. After this I decided we should have a walk up Oxford street to kill time and then wondered back down to the Embassy for around 8:30am.
At this point I wasn't feeling to nervous but more excited towards what was going on and what I was about to do. Anyhow, before I joined my line for the 9:00am interview I had to take off my belt and e
mpty all my pockets into a clear plastic bag to hand over to security. I found this semi interesting as the visa packets tell you not to bring anything with you what so ever but they do let y... read complete review
London, United Kingdom | Review #2805 on April 29, 2008: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
As someone has said before, there are so many reviews on here. So I'll try and make it slightly different.
1. The queue outside the Embassy might look long but it is very organised and there is no chance of anyone pushing in etc. Everyone is seen in turn based on their alloted schedule. The queue is outside so check the weather forecast. I did notice a container with umbrellas so they do look after you.
2. They ask you to remove your belt. Embarrassing for me in two ways. Firstly, my black belt didn't go with my brown trousers. Shock! Secondly, my trousers were slightly too big so I had them manging around my butt as if I was trying to look "street".
3. While we are on the subject of clothes, people were wearing all manner of outfits. The men looked slightly smarter than the women. Some people wore suits. You've got this far I don't think they'll say "no" based on what you are wearing.
4. So you get inside and you are given a numberi... read complete review
London, United Kingdom | Review #2796 on April 28, 2008: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
ok, so there are so many of these london reviews that we were not going to submit one but i think that our situation was a bit different and we might be able to help someone in the future.
my fiancé’s appointment was at 9:30am and he arrived at 7:05, they said they would let him in at 8:30 so he went to the starbucks and wandered around a park that was close by until then... this part was all normal.
my fiancé was here on a b-2 visitor's visa for 14 months... he got it initially for 6 months and then had it extended. while he was out here he decided he wanted to start going to university so he could stay out here. the school told him he could adjust his status in the US so he waited for an interview and started school in the meantime. when no interview came, they told him he should go back to england to the embassy. while he started his first term here, he requested a 2nd extension of his visa. after the scho... read complete review
London, United Kingdom | Review #2788 on April 26, 2008: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My interview it's self was very quick and easy...The worst part of the day was standing around.
I arrived for my appouintment at 9:30am and waited outside in the freezing rain for 3hrs. At least they gave us umbrellas. Then when i finally did get inside there was another 1 1/2 wait before they called my number. I was then asked to check i had all the right documents with me and photographs (if you do nothave everything there is a computer to print some forms off, not sure which ones as i had everything) There is also a photo booth there if you need pictures. I was then asked to pay for my visa. Then told to sit and wait again. After 1 more hour i was called for my second interview, The gentleman just asked me where i met my fiance and when was th last time i saw him and i got approved in less than 5 minutes.
I was very nervous before hand, but trust me there is nothing to be nervous of. it is very quick and easy, as long as the paper work you give them is ... read complete review
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