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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1822 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #3076 on July 1, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Barry arrived early for his 8:30 interview. Very few in line so he went to Starbucks for coffee. He returned to the line and proceeded quickly through security. He left all electronics at his Mum's, even keys. After his entry he was informed that his interview was supposed to be rescheduled for July 10th, but after a quick check since he didn't receive a call, all was well and he sat down. He said there were only about 8 for immigrant visas, so he was called quickly. They only asked for police certificate, birth certificate, passport photos, and I-134. They asked for letter from my employer and pay stubs, which they returned...that's it...no other documents or evidence requested. He was fingerprinted and paid for visa and courier.

He was quickly called to interview and was asked...how did we meet? He said poetry site. Was asked...who his favorite poet is. Then he was asked if he has been to US...he replied yes several times....has your fiancee been to England? Yes she j... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #3067 on June 30, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Arrived in London at 6am in the morning - travelling nearly 150 miles that morning for the London interview. And yes, I was dead tired but excited with a tinge of fear. Hahaha. This is what happened:

1. Decided to head for the US Embassey, although I was a couple hrs early. Thought I might be ahead of he queue - er...WRONG. The queue or should I say, queues were a 'million miles' long. Seems other people had the same idea.

2. After 40 or 60 minutes, the security checks starts: I had to remove fobs, mobile phones, belts and other electronic devises and place them in a plastic bags. Then told to move along to the next stage of security.

3. Next stage of security was a bag check and body check - guards go through your bags and ask you walk through an airport type 'x-ray' contraption.

4. Passed the security check so directed to the embassy.

5. Queued u... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #3048 on June 25, 2008:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Well, my interview was for 9.00am at the American Embassy in London. I arrived at the embassy at about 8.20 and joined the fairly long queue outside. I had all my documents with me and well organised, including photos and evidence to support just about anything. I made it to the front of the line at approx 8.50. I had prepared everything and then as i stepped out the car, i grabbed my handbag (as usual without even thinking) and so had then brought me with my keys and phone etc without needing to. You have to pay 10 pounds to leave your phone at the pharmacy across the street, there are no storage facilities on the premises, the pharmacy also takes visa photos for the embassy if you don’t have them. I rushed back over the line where somebody thankfully let me in rather than having to queue up again!

A man then called me over to see my passport and appointment letter, he checks you off on a list. (they couldn't find me immediately which had me worried!). I went through ... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #3047 on June 25, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I left my hotel at about 7.20 for my appointment to ensure I’d be on time. Catching the bus without any problems, my feet began to bother me - I’d bought new boots especially for the interview and they were giving me blisters. I was walking like the lovechild of House and Ironman by the time I got to the embassy, giving me something extra to worry about. The queue was fairly long and as we stood waiting it began to filter into two columns, then three, for 8.30 appointments, 9.00 o’clock appointments (which mine was) and 9.30 appointments. Embassy officials trawled the line repeatedly asking people to make sure they had no electronic devices on them, no cell phones, blackberries, Ipods or even car keys. Those that did had to leave the line and deposit them in a chemist just down the road. Once your appointment slot line is reached, a few at a time are taken to stand in front of the security office. Even at this point, people had to leave the line to deposit an electronic device. I... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #3045 on June 24, 2008:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Our interview was today, 8:00am. Yesterday they implemented a TOTAL ban on all electronic devices. And by ALL, I mean, not even an electronic CAR KEY.

We never got any notice, phone call, nothing. We left our mobiles behind, as instructed. But we had no idea that we would have our car key held for ransom. And not by the embassy. They won't hold ANYTHING anymore.

Some a$$hat brought his mobile phone, then tried to hide it in the bushes for later retrieval, and we had the pleasure of watching the Metropolitan Police thumb-cuff him while they searched through the bushes for whatever he had planted there. (It was actually pretty cool, seeing a grown man brought to his knees just by having his arm twisted behind his back and his thumb yanked up toward his shoulders.)

Yes, the chemist a couple blocks away is quite enterprising. They charge £10 to hold your mobile phone and car keys for you (will not hold any other valuables). They had a steady st... read complete review

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