London, United Kingdom | Review on July 3, 2008: | Jeffries

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Was down in London last week for the visa interview. Stayed in Marble Arch at the hotel recommended. As was sisad before clean and compact with good location fro embassy.
Was in the que at US embassy for 9am with my interview at 10am. They don't allow cell phones inside now so you are forced to depoit it at a chemist just down the st and have to pay £10 for the priviledge! Never got inside until after 10 and the sat in the room for about an hr waiting to be called to a window to produce all my paperwork.
After the paperwork and some questions from a British guy had to then pay for my visa (£64) and go sit down again to be called up again after about 90 mins to go to another window. Was then interviewed by a rather stern American woman who asked me a few questions about Sonya - how we met, when did I see her etc etc and then after about 10 other questions said she was happy enough to grant my visa subject to a medical and my finger prints being OK.
Was then told to go in another que to arrange for a courier company to deliver my visa subject to it being OK. Left US embassy at about 1pm feeling chuffed!
Had my medical down at Bruntwick Mansions just off Marylbone at 2.50pm so went to find it just in case and thought I would chance my luck and get in early but they said they were to busy so I went for food and came back at 2.30pm. Had chest x-rays, blood taken for HIV, pulse, blood pressue etc etc then had to pay £180 for the medical. Got a copy of my vaccination records for the adjutment of status when I get to the US. They then send the results to the embassy and then that being OK send me the visa.
Headed to Heathrow and was back in a plane to Scotland to land at 10pm after a long couple of days.
There you go! Took a while and heaps of paperwork to complete but visa arrived in the post this morning.
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