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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1815 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #30258 on October 15, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview Date : 13/10/2021

Very straightforward process, got my number and then I got called to give the lady my civil documents, then sat back down waiting to be called for the actual interview.

The interview was super easy too, I was only asked 2 questions.
1. Tell me about your relationship.
2. What does your husband do?

Then I was told that he doesn’t need any more information from me and he’ll keep my passport for the visa to be printed on and I should get it back in about 2 weeks. It was over very quick I couldn’t believe it!

Then on 14/10/2021 my ceac process changed to : Administrative Processing.

Today 15/10/2021 the status changed to “Issued”.

Overall, if you have all your docs then it should be a very smooth and straightforward process, I brought a lot more stuff with me and none were asked for. ( I-864, IRS Transcripts, Payslips, Empl... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30248 on October 13, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Everything went well during the interview. Few questions about where/how we met, when we plan to travel and the lady also looked through more pictures of us. Went into AP as somehow I forgot to take my birth certificate but she advised the interview was all fine and she wished us luck for the future.

2 hours after the interview I received instructions how to submit my birth certificate via DX Couriers. I had to take it to a specific location and they packaged everything. That was delivered 4 days after the interview (including the weekend). My CEAC status remained refused on that day. Day after delivery (5 days after interview) CEAC status changed to issued!

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30233 on October 9, 2021:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Very fast and easy. Don't take a laptop as security doesn't allow them. Immigrants can pass the long slow line and go to the citizens desk to the left. The CO asked a few basic questions and approved on the spot pending medical results, keeping my passport. I arrived 30 minutes early and was back out on the street before my appointment should have even started.

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30226 on October 8, 2021:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The experience was incredibly straightforward. I had to go through security and then onto the embassy building, was instructed to take the lift and take a seat until my number be called. Waited around 15 minutes to be called, was asked four questions and was approved subject to everything being ok with my medical.

I brought much more evidence with me but surprisingly was never asked for any, even when I prompted, he wasn't interested in it.

Had my medical the same afternoon and was told everything was fine and would be sent off to the embassy.

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30214 on October 5, 2021:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

(Late review from February 2020)

Got there a bit early, so wandered around outside until my time to go in. Security were friendly and efficient.

As everyone says, it felt very strange jumping the big queue to get into the Embassy after security, but glad I didn't have to wait in it as it was very slow moving. I was sent to the floor and followed the signs to the appropriate area. After a short wait (10 minutes or so) I was summoned to a window to go through my documents, checking I had all the necessary paperwork. After another short wait I was summoned to another window and asked questions about how I met my fiancée and our wedding plans (which were late scuppered by Covid). My medical results had not yet arrived, so I was instructed to phone Visa Medicals to ensure they had sent them. I phoned them, and they had, so I told the agent and he said I was approved pending the results arriving (which they did the next day).

(updated on Octobe... read complete review

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