United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4
/ 5
1822 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom | Review #5934 on April 18, 2010: |

· 3 people found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
I arrived 40 mins before my interview. I got off the tube at Bond Street station which is about a 3 minute walk from the embassy. I didnt know that you could leave your phone and stuff at goulds pharmacy just up the street for £5, or would have done so. It took 1/2 hour to get in. It took 2 hours to see the first guy who was all business and handed over my docs to him. He asked me to pay the visa fee and come back with the receipt.
I shuffled 3 feet to the left to the cashier window to find that Janice was on her teabreak. Whilst waiting for Janice I read her (extremely well adorned) wall and learned that Janice has been cashier of the month since time began and that she knows how to smile in a picture. What a cashier does to be cashier of the month escapes me. She also had a certificate from the secret service about contribution to the US security. Maybe she doesnt accept cheques from Mr O.B. Laden. Anyway when Janice came back from tea she turned out to be the mos... read complete review
London, United Kingdom | Review #5931 on April 17, 2010: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
We traveled to London on Thursday night (April 15) for our interview on Friday morning. I had everything timed just right on Thursday, as the kids went to school as usual, but we had to get baths and dinner taken care of before we got our taxi at 6:30 to the station. We arrived in London just after 9pm. It was a five minute walk to the hotel (Kings Cross Travelodge). We checked in and got ready for bed right away. We had to be up at 6 the next morning, so we wanted to get a good night's sleep. The hotel was nothing special (you have to use your key card to get to the elevator, to make the elevator work, to get to the hall your room is on... and they don't work great sometimes we had to put the card in 5+ times to get the door unlocked) but it is relatively cheap and it was clean, if sparse.
Friday morning we were up and on our way at 7:20. We had to take two trains and walk aways to get to the Embassy, and were there for 8:20. It took about 20 minutes to get throu... read complete review
London, United Kingdom | Review #5918 on April 14, 2010: |
Luke and Amber

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My appointment was scehduled for 9:00am. I arrived approx 7:30 just as the embassy was opening. I took my number and sat down. I probably only waited for 20 minutes before my number was called up. Once at the desk I had to hand over a few items, I-134 and letter from my fiances work and her previous tax returns, copies of the forms i submitted with the Iv-15 and two more american sized passport photos, then I was told to go to the cash desk and pay $131. (It was extremely difficult to hear her through 3 inch glass but we eventually got by) Once that was taken I went back to my 3 inch glass lady and she gave me a nice pink slip... I then waited about 20 more mintues was called up and asked 3 questions about my finace and I and then the visa was approved. I was out by 9:00. Excellent experience and everyone was so friendly.
London, United Kingdom | Review #5896 on April 8, 2010: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K3 Visa
I was nervous but it was short & sweet!!! They asked a few questions. I knew everything was okay when they took the courier details from me. I think they gave me a colored slip to take to the courier desk.
(updated on April 8, 2010)
London, United Kingdom | Review #5889 on April 7, 2010: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My fiance arrived at the embassy at 8:30am ahead of his 9:00am appointment. At the doors, someone asked to see his appointment letter (Packet 4) and passport. He was then sent through a metal detector, where he was asked to remove everything from his pocket but leave his jacket on. There was a short queue (about three minutes) to get through the metal detector.
Once he was through the metal detector, my fiance showed his appointment letter to the reception desk. He was given a ticket with a barcode and a number on it, and then waited two hours and forty five minutes for his number to be called.
Once his number was called, he went to the first desk. He was asked for a series of documents - basically the same list as on the IV-15 (birth certificate, police certificate, etc). My fiance handed them an original and a photocopy for each item and was handed the original back.
He was then given a pink courier form to pay for visa shipping. TH... read complete review
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