London, United Kingdom | Review on April 26, 2010: | Peepod

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
I arrived at embassy just before 8am. A security officer checked my passport and appointment letter and asked me to put my coins into a plastic bag, and take off my belt. At the head of the queue, I was called forward and another security officer checked my passport and appointment letter. We were then called into the glass security building in groups of four and given our security check.
I carried a laptop bag containing a document folder and a bottle of water. After walking through the x-ray machine, I was asked to drink some water to prove it wasn't in any shape or form a danger to public safety. After this I proceeded around the perimeter of the building and up the stairs leading to the main embassy building. Inside, I was given a sticker that was loosely attached to the appointment letter. This indicates your ticket number, and time of entry into the building. From joining the queue and entering the building it took me about fifty minutes.
I continued up the stairs and into the main waiting area. I sat there for about twenty minutes until my ticket number was called. 'I901' - that was me! Seemed like all 'I-class' visas were being processed at window number 1. The friendly lady consular officer asked me for the following in order: passports, photographs, police certificate plus one copy and birth certificate plus one copy. She then gave me a form to take around to the payment desk in order to pay for the visa (£85). I was given three receipts, one of which was to be handed back to the consular officer. She stapled it into my application bundle. She then continued and took my biometrics, that is take electronic fingerprints of the first four fingers on my left and right hands and then my two thumbs placed together. She then and asked me for the I-134 affidavit of support and supporting three years previous tax return transcripts. She then asked me a few simple questions; have you ever overstayed, have you ever been arrested etc... After answering she told me to take a seat and listen out for my number to be called.
After about 30 minutes wait, and intent listening for my number, I heard my NAME being called to desk 15. I was greeted by another very friendly woman who asked me a few simple questions. She asked how we met, when we planned to get married, where we planned to live. She then queried my fiancée's affidavit of support. She explained that she had a little concern that her income was slightly low. She wanted to know how I intended to support myself whilst in the US. I told her I was a computer consultant and already have a self-employed contract in place subject to work permit. I showed her a letter to that effect from my client. She seemed happy with that. She then asked me if I had any savings, I told her I had and showed her my bank statement. She smiled and welcomed me to America javascript:emoticon(' ')
When asked if I had any questions, I forgetfully asked about obtaining the work permit upon POE. After checking with her superior, I was reminded that I could only apply for this after we get married as I was entering on a K1-visa. Of course, this all made perfect sense and I was left wondering why I asked the question in the first place. Second question; I asked how long it would take to receive the VISA back by courier, as I was planning to fly out to the US exactly one week from interview date. She mentioned that it probably won't be ready in time, it normally takes at least five working days from interview to hand. I don't mind, I'm soooooooo glad I'm going to be with my baby soon, maybe not as soon as I hoped, but soon enough! javascript:emoticon(' ')
I've not been too active on these forums, as I've found that most of the information is already out there! So a big, well deserved thanks to everybody who has contributed to this fabulous, information-packed site. It truly is a great reflection of all of its members input! I'm extremely grateful to all of you, as I don't think I would have sailed through as smoothly otherwise. So a big thanks to you all and good luck with your Visa Journeys!
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