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United Arab Emirates US Consulate Reviews

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United Arab Emirates US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.6 / 5
187 Review(s)
United Arab Emirates
Review #11433 on February 7, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I arrived at Abu Dhabi one day ahead of my interview as I am staying in Dubai. I checked in at a nearby hotel so I can easily go to the US Embassy for my 8AM Appointment the following day. Here's the summary of my Interview Experience at USEM Abu Dhabi:

Last February 6, 2013 I arrived at 6:50AM at the US Embassy Compound for my 8:00AM Interview Appointment. One Arabic family is already waiting there at the waiting area of the Immigrant Visa Section when I arrived. Around 8:00AM one of the security guards approached us to check one by one our Appointment Letters and passports, then few minutes later we we're instructed to proceed to the entrance of the embassy for security checking, we were told to enter the main entrance in twos then the security guards have asked us to switched off our phones and hand over our bags prior allowing us to go to the main building of the US Embassy. I entered the main building of the embassy around 8:20AM, a lady guard sitting at the entranc... read complete review

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United Arab Emirates
Review #11210 on January 7, 2013:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Im writing on behalf of my fiance

He arrive at the embassy at 7:30 appointment is 8:00am, was in line with the non immigrant folks. They all finally went in and went thru the security check and he said because of his belt it was beeping so loud. He than went with a group of non immigrant applicants and they were giving a number his was number 8. He also mention that there was so many people today and it was so busy. He went to the receptionist lady and she ask him for his medical first she told him to keep the white medical envelope result as that was his copy he can open.. He than gave her all the ds forms and affidavit , police certific, birth certificate. He got over excited and took out all our emails and facebook chats hahahah and handed to her and she said "no no no dont need those" after that he was instructed to go pay the 80$ fee and go do his finger print. It was his first time doing it and he said that for some reason he press so hard it maded a error in thi... read complete review

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United Arab Emirates
Review #11009 on December 3, 2012:




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Review Topic: General Review

My fiance had K-1 visa interview at 8AM.We got there around 7:30 and there were few people mostly Iranian like us.Having checked and passed through security gates we got number and then wait for their call.After number showed up we both went to the window and officer was young Iranian-american girl.She asked for appointment letter then asked me to have a seat while she was asking my fiance for forms,photos and docs.Then we were told to pay 80 dollar extra fee which is normal and have her finger scanned.The point is that person who was taking scans was old Asian lady and she was totally rude.Afterward we had to wait for final step which is interview and sworn.Meanwhile I realized there is guy there selling tea,coffee and pastries.I have been visited many consulates of various countries so far and such a witness was really disappointing .Most powerful country in the world has no respect for people visiting its embassy by providing simple hot/cold water dispenser! Any way, interview was o... read complete review

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United Arab Emirates
Review #10590 on October 10, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview was good, Officer asked my wife about 10 questions, the officer was kinda rude, but i think that is normal Interview officer handed my wife a Pink slip, and kept her passport, she have to go back on Sunday to get her passport.

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United Arab Emirates
Review #10541 on October 3, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I went to Abu Dhabi a day earlier. I checked-in a hotel near embassy. Next morning, woke up and left for embassy. I reached embassy at 7:15 am. There were 15 to 20 people already sitting on benches. There were more people in IV than in non-immigrant visa queue. I was the first non-Iranian there and after that few other nationalities came near 8:00 am. Security guard came and asked everyone for their interview letters. He dividing the IV queue in to two and asked us to move to a screening room near the waiting area.

They asked me to put all the things and empty my pockets in a basket. Then they asked me to walk through the metal detector. They took my cell phone and asked me to take my things after they did airport style X-Ray scanning. The guard asked me to go to the next room and then another guard directed me to the main building.

After entering the main building, was greeted by the security personnel and given a number and then asked to sit and wait. Pe... read complete review

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