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Russia US Consulate Reviews

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Russia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
286 Review(s)
Moscow, Russia
Review #22367 on August 20, 2017:

Алекс и Эрин


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Review Topic: General Review

I attended my husband and stepdaughters interview at the US embassy in Moscow on August 8th. Our interview was scheduled at 8AM, but we arrived about 30 minutes early. There was already a line of people outside waiting. We waited about another 5-10 minutes in this line until an officer at the gate started taking passports for about only 6-7 people at a time. He took the passports into a small security station kiosk and stayed inside for a minute or two before coming back out and handing everyone their passports back. He would then start on the next batch of people doing this same thing. It was fairly quick and we had no problems at this point. We then entered into the building where we were greeted by another woman. This woman was young, dark features/complexion and was not very polite. She looked almost like a civilian off of the street. She was wearing no official uniform, but casual every day clothes and held some kind of scanning device in her hand. She took my passport a... read complete review

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Moscow, Russia
Review #21901 on June 5, 2017:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

it lasted 5min, i went to moscow for 2 days just be there during the interview and sat next to my fiancee , she was asked when and how we met... then CO asked me about my previous marriage.. and we were done...
to applicant out there: if you both can attend the interview it will make thing much much easy

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Moscow, Russia
Review #21678 on April 14, 2017:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Had my interview in Moscow, Russia.
Overall it was a very pleasant experience, everyone at the consulate was very professional and polite. The worst part was the waiting outside the consulate in the rain.
The CO was a very nice young man, asked me to describe how i met my husband and how our relationship develops. Then asked all standard questions, like what he does, where he lives, what do i plan to do, where will we live, etc. Also asked about my family and about my work. The interview was more like a friendly conversation and wasn't at all distressing. The CO was professional and polite and very friendly. The interview itself lasted about 15 minutes, the whole experience since I entered the consulate was exactly 2 hours.
Visa approved!
Good luck to everyone, be polite and honest and dress well. Don't forget to smile!

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Moscow, Russia
Review #21584 on March 24, 2017:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my interview on March 22, I was very nervous about the interview but it went fairly smoothly.
The Consular Officer was a very nice young lady. The interview was condacted in English. The CO asked me just a few simple questions: How we met? How many times we visited each other? Was your fiance married before? Has he ever filed a petition for another woman? What my job is? What my daughter does in the USA? (she studies in college there) What her major is?
That's it. The CO said my visa was approved and congratulated me. The resultes of my medical exam had not arrived to the Embassy by the time of the interview because I was sent for TB tests that take 6 weeks to be done. The CO said that visa would be issued after the results are received by the Embassy.
I spent about 2 hours inside the Embassy, the interview itself lasted max 10 minutes.

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Moscow, Russia
Review #21580 on March 24, 2017:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Our experience applying for a CR-1 visa (via DCF) in Moscow was fantastic. We arrived around 8:00am (the official appointment was at 8:30am) and we had to wait in line outside and go through security and registration. You'll pick up a number to be called and a laminated card for IV visas, which you need to hand in upstairs. The immigrant visa unit is upstairs following the red dots on the floor, and we saw a lot of people waiting. You don't, however, have to wait upstairs. It was very crowded there, so we went downstairs and waited there, as they have a screen where you can sit and wait for your number to be called. Downstairs is very spacious and there are many places to sit, plus they have vending machines there.

We waited about 1.5 hours and they finally called us to the first window. There was a Russian lady there who asked for the necessary documents. We gave everything and she asked a few basic biographical information questions, took my husband's fingerprints. She... read complete review

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