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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #21678

Moscow, Russia Review on April 14, 2017:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Had my interview in Moscow, Russia.
Overall it was a very pleasant experience, everyone at the consulate was very professional and polite. The worst part was the waiting outside the consulate in the rain.
The CO was a very nice young man, asked me to describe how i met my husband and how our relationship develops. Then asked all standard questions, like what he does, where he lives, what do i plan to do, where will we live, etc. Also asked about my family and about my work. The interview was more like a friendly conversation and wasn't at all distressing. The CO was professional and polite and very friendly. The interview itself lasted about 15 minutes, the whole experience since I entered the consulate was exactly 2 hours.
Visa approved!
Good luck to everyone, be polite and honest and dress well. Don't forget to smile!

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