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Russia US Consulate Reviews

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Russia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
286 Review(s)
Moscow, Russia
Review #22678 on October 14, 2017:




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Review Topic: F-1 Visa

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Moscow, Russia
Review #22630 on October 6, 2017:

Tanya@D Starcher

Tanya@D Starcher


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my interview on 5 October... at 7:40 , near the embassy , there were about 50 people of nonimmigrant and immigrant, we were all together in a line. At 8:00am russian policeman has began to check our passports, and let us to come inside the territory of the embassy...then we have been waiting for enter inside the embassy, about one hour... at 9:13 i got inside, and after some procedure of checking i got to the second floor for immigrant visas area. first we gave our documents and waited for the interview. My interview was so pleasant for me, that i never imagined before... the interview was in English, no more than 10 minutes, the questions were all about our relationship,childrens, pets... and it was very easy and pleasant to answer. The girl officer who interviewed me asked if my fiance sent me a photos of his house-I said "Yes" and I wanted to give her a photo...she pointed to a pile of my proof and evidence and said it's not necessary, we'll just talk...questions were about ... read complete review

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Moscow, Russia
Review #22572 on September 28, 2017:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Moscow, Russia
Review #22489 on September 13, 2017:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My wife's interview was this past February. I ended up flying to Moscow in order for me to be able to attend the interview as well. All in all it was normal experience. We waited in line outside before it was out turn to go inside. Once inside they checked us off on a list of attendees that they have and from there we went through the security check points. Once we got to the first window and showed what we were there for, were told to follow the dots drawn on the ground to the second floor and check in with the attendant over there. The woman sitting there went through the list of documents that we were required to bring and was asking for them as she was checking them off. Once we gave everything we were told to have a seat and wait to be called. We waited for almost 2 hours since we were the second to last people on the list. Once we were called in the interviewer was a really nice a sweet girl who made the experience really calm for us. The interview itself only lasted about 10 min... read complete review

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Moscow, Russia
Review #22441 on September 2, 2017:

Alya and Joe


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I am writing this review for my fiance, Alya.
She had a very good experience. There was a bit of a wait and it was cold inside. Everyone begin to get hungry. She gave the paperwork and then waited. She went to a window and was ask some questions... She didn't even realize, but this was the interview! Questions were how and where did you meet. Her job, my job. If this was her first marriage and if this was my first marriage. Where did I live. And did she plan to work in America. They asked for medical, financial and police certificates and nothing else. The interview was in Russian and strangely she was not asked whether she wanted it in Russian or English. There were storage areas for phones and you are allowed to bring water. However you must take a sip of the water first in front of them! She also said that everyone was polite and professional. The interview took about 10 minutes. Result: approval!

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