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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #22489

Moscow, Russia Review on September 13, 2017:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

My wife's interview was this past February. I ended up flying to Moscow in order for me to be able to attend the interview as well. All in all it was normal experience. We waited in line outside before it was out turn to go inside. Once inside they checked us off on a list of attendees that they have and from there we went through the security check points. Once we got to the first window and showed what we were there for, were told to follow the dots drawn on the ground to the second floor and check in with the attendant over there. The woman sitting there went through the list of documents that we were required to bring and was asking for them as she was checking them off. Once we gave everything we were told to have a seat and wait to be called. We waited for almost 2 hours since we were the second to last people on the list. Once we were called in the interviewer was a really nice a sweet girl who made the experience really calm for us. The interview itself only lasted about 10 minutes before we were issued our approval. I'm not sure if it was the fact that I had flown to Moscow from the United States to be at the interview was a factor that avoided us getting bombarded with questions, but she really only had one or two concerns that needed to be addressed and after we were able to answer her questions to the interviewers satisfaction, we were approved for the visa. While we were waiting in line, everyone who went in to the room with our interviewer came out very happy and they all had the same thing to say. "She is a really nice and sweet person".

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