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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews

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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5 / 5
777 Review(s)
Review #12882 on September 26, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

All thanks and Glory to God, my K1 visa interview in Lagos went smoothly got my visa approved, in my own opinion i would say the interview is the easiest of the whole process almost as if i was claiming a benefit or something, in less than two minutes i was approved.

so here are the interesting questions i was asked...

1. who petitioned for you?

2.And whats your fiance's name?

3 where does he live?

4. what does he do?

5. whats the name of his company?

6.what does he do for fun when he isnt working? that i said karate and then he asked what belt and i gave him a sketchy but accurate answer.

7. has he met your family?

8. when last did he visit?

9. how long have you known him and when did we start dating?
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Review #12880 on September 26, 2013:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview was today and I got the news of the denial as I was on my way to work. I haven't even had a proper chance to break down and let my emotions out. This is what I can remember about it before I went numb. He was asked the usual questions...

who petitioned for you? (me)

Where does she work and what does she do? he answered correctly.

has she been married before? yes and he gave the name of my ex and why we divorced

does she have children? yes. gave names and ages.

have you met her family? only on the phone and has talked to everyone including my mom many times.

where did she stay when she visited? I stayed with him at his apartment for over a month.

has she met your family? yes. his cousin and best friends (photos of all of us) and has talked to his mom on the phone and talks on a regular basis with his eldest brother in Austria over the phone for over 2 years. He approves ... read complete review

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Review #12878 on September 26, 2013:



· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview was today and I got the news of the denial as I was on my way to work. I haven't even had a proper chance to break down and let my emotions out. This is what I can remember about it before I went numb. He was asked the usual questions...

who petitioned for you? (me)

Where does she work and what does she do? he answered correctly.

has she been married before? yes and he gave the name of my ex and why we divorced

does she have children? yes. gave names and ages.

have you met her family? only on the phone and has talked to everyone including my mom many times.

where did she stay when she visited? I stayed with him at his apartment for over a month.

has she met your family? yes. his cousin and best friends (photos of all of us) and has talked to his mom on the phone and talks on a regular basis with his eldest brother in Austria over the phone for over 2 years. He approves ... read complete review

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Review #12744 on September 11, 2013:



· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancé, got up early, we spoke on the phone and I just kept reminding him, that they don't know anything we haven't told them so relax, there are no wrong answers! He dressed in new clothes, lol even bought a new jacket! Arrived very early, but with the crowds still had to wait almost 4hours for his interview, all the while seeing person after person being told no. when he was finally called he was questioned a lot, by a man who said he was the supervisor.
these are the questions he could remember.

Who is the petitioner? (my fiancé)

What is your fiancé name?(dana)

Where did you meet?(online)

What do you like about her?(all the sweet answers he could think of)

Where was she born?(erie,pa)

What does she tell you about Pennsylvania?(it gets cold, smaller city,things like that)

What is her profession?(nurse)

Where does she work?(hospital)

W... read complete review

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Review #12588 on August 21, 2013:



· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I arrived at 0630am for my 0700am interview.I went inside and was number 404. I was nervous due to what I've read and what people said about the process.I prayed for divine favor and confidence and GOD did it for me. The interview was too easy for me.

Questions Asked

1.How long have you known your fiancee?
2.How much does she earn?
3.When was the first time she came?
4.How do you know her?
5.Who does she stay with?
6.When did you engaged?

Then he asked me if i had any pictures, i showed him the album we had and other pictures.I was confident and calm, i made sure i looked him straight in the eyes when i answered any question.During this part of the interview some people at my back were saying discouraging things.I just want you to know that the devil will even use your own country men to attack you.These people behind me kept saying things like "O leave him...they will soon chase him out now" ,i was sho... read complete review

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