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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #29179 on February 18, 2021:




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Review Topic: General Review

The US Consulate was very nice. Ensure that when its your CR1/IR1/90-day visa. Bring has much pictures of wedding, pictures before and after, text messages, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook screenshots. Bring as much evidence as possible.

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Review #29152 on February 14, 2021:

Steffy Stef

Steffy Stef


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband arrived a hour and half early. We live two hours away thought we would run in traffic but we didn’t. Anyway he say in the car until it was 7:50 AM interview was at 8 AM. The security looked at his interview letter, Passport. He went inside the First Lady called him up. Did his finger print look at his documents again. Oh sanitize the entire way. He sat down for about 15 minutes. His name was called he went to a lady where he did his interview
Questions asked
Who is filing for you
How did we met
Where do I work
Who attend the wedding
Why wasn’t my family there - wasn’t planned
Did he met any of my family members- Met my dad cousins and friends
Do we have any kids
Is this our first marriage
How often do I come to JA
When was the last we spoke

That was all the questions. She told him I needed to turn in my tax transcript and wrote it on the form my husband ... read complete review

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Review #29092 on February 1, 2021:




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Review Topic: Waiver/Admin Review

(updated on February 24, 2021)

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Review #28996 on January 12, 2021:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband arrived at his interview 10 minutes early!! He went in and did his fingerprints etc! He was in there approximately 2 hours start to finish! He had a Caucasian male consular officer a bald guy! He was a bit stern.... but straight to the point! He only asked .....
who filed
About children involved
When we married
When last we see each other
When we married
And 2019 transcript!
That was it! He said they were asking different ppl different questions and for different items!! He never asked for pics!
He was approved same day 12/9/2020
Ceac changed to issued next day 12/10/2020
Passport was picked up on 12/15/2020
Poe- MCO 12/22/2020
Social security card came less than 2 weeks

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Review #28937 on December 23, 2020:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancee reports that the interview process was very smooth. Officers were nice and there were minimal questions. Her actual interview was around 5 minutes. Overall time in the embassy was around 40 minutes.

A few things to note:
Don't arrive too early. You will not be let inside more than 30 minutes before your appointment time and waiting outside is discouraged.

No cell phones or electronic devices are allowed inside and there is nowhere for them to be held. It seems there was a lockbox mechanism in the past but this was not available during my fiancée's interview. For some reason hand sanitizer is also not allowed.

The interview experience definitely varies based on your specific case. I've known my fiancee for over 5 years and visited a lot during our LDR. Others that only knew their fiance for a year faced a lot more scrutiny.

What does your fiance do for a living?
When was the last t... read complete review

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