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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #29611

Jamaica Review on May 11, 2021:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

He said the interviewer was nice but he had been waiting so long that she Actually forgot about him. Lol the questions were:he was swore in

asked when was the last time he spoke to me

what type of work I do

does she have kids 

does she have grandchildren too

how did you meet 

 she see that I came to Jamaica in  march,June,August ,October  and December -she said she visits a lot

when was the last time she was here -February 

who proposed

she ask for the pictures and the police report to sign

gave him the papers and passport to go to the medical

and wished him good luck getting to his fiancee and told him that we have to get married within the 90 days of arriving in the us

That was the interview..easy

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