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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #29644 on May 19, 2021:



· 4 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We are a same sex couple so before the start of the interview they took my fiancée in a private room and told her they don't do same sex interview in the public because of the stigma in Jamaica. the wait was longer than expected. She got there after 1pm and didn't get out until 245pm. We got APPROVED they took her passport and told her it should take about 2 weeks for her medical to come in, she did the medical in the morning at 8am before the interview at 130pm.

They asked her name
My name
Where I work
What do I do at my job
What are our wedding plans
When she plans on travelling
What happened with my previous marriage
If my previous marriage was real or show since it was with a man.
My children's names

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Review #29611 on May 11, 2021:



· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

He said the interviewer was nice but he had been waiting so long that she Actually forgot about him. Lol the questions were:he was swore in

asked when was the last time he spoke to me

what type of work I do

does she have kids 

does she have grandchildren too

how did you meet 

 she see that I came to Jamaica in  march,June,August ,October  and December -she said she visits a lot

when was the last time she was here -February 

who proposed

she ask for the pictures and the police report to sign

gave him the papers and passport to go to the medical

and wished him good luck getting to his fiancee and told him that we have to get married within the 90 days of arriving in the us

That was the interview..easy

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Review #29387 on March 25, 2021:




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Review Topic: General Review

Embassy staff was very friendly pwr my husband who attended the interview

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Review #29382 on March 24, 2021:

Patrice Rowe

Patrice Rowe


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Review Topic: IR-2 Visa

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Review #29227 on February 28, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My take on the Embassy after a long wait(Nov 13, 2020).

Don't Panic.
I took a taxi for my 11:15am with my daughter instead of driving(for ease of parking) Got there a little early and waited then went in. Did the pre processing by submitting document and then interview. I had a conversation. I was not asked much question about my spouse. Daughter was asked about her last conversation with him, which was the night before. I noticed the night before I went that my husband's Tax transcript was for the previous year so I knew there was going to be an issue based on what the embassy requirement(it was)

Interviewer asked for my police record (less than six month) (got it updated while appointment was cancelled)and when she asked to see tax transcript she looked disappointed as she has not granted a visa from I sat there all( AP) We both had visitors visas and she asked for both and cancelled them. She took both our passports and said she will be kee... read complete review

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