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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #30838 on March 16, 2022:

Caramel Swirl


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Review Topic: General Review

My son had his interview today (3/15). Started the process 2014 - NVC approved and ready for interview since 2020. If it weren't for Covid we would have had our interview already. No worries, all things work for a reason.

His appointment was at 9:30 am. No hassle to get inside the building. Once inside the wait was a bit long.

He was armed with updated tax paper and all the relevant paperwork. He was only asked 3 questions:

Is your mom a citizen? (of course they knew the answer already) - he answered.

What does your mom do for work? (of course they knew the answer - I have a good position with federal) - he answered

Based on my work location, the interviewer said she loved that place but it was very expensive, which triggered the last question:

Have you ever been there? - he answered yes. That was it. She cancelled his visitor visa and told him he would receive a call to pick up his passport in 2-3 weeks. She told him a 6 months visa would be issued but he should leave ASAP.

As a side note to my fellow Jamaicans, based on my son's observation: (out of maybe 15 interviewees at that sitting, my son and another guy got approved - WHY?)

1. Please please be prepared for your interviews, this could be a great opportunity for you to advance in life. At least you will have choices.

2. Don't be prissy before you even get your visa approved - respect interviewers and people around you

3. DO YOUR HOMEWORK - read, read and read more

4. Research on what the steps are before your interview (1 person didn't even do their medical)

5. Check your documents, make sure you have every single paper ready - you never know what they are going to ask for.

6. Tell the truth - they already know the answers

7. Relax and enjoy the day at the Embassy - it's just a change in life not the end of your life.

Good luck everyone!!!!

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Review #30749 on February 17, 2022:




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Review Topic: General Review

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Review #30436 on November 24, 2021:

Lisa Hunt


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Review #30397 on November 16, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The embassy moves very slow and hard to get in contact with.

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Review #30390 on November 16, 2021:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was at 1pm, I arrived at the embassy at 12:30 and was told to stand across the street until it was exactly 1. At 1 I lined up with 5 other persons and they looked at our passports and passport sized pictures to let us in, upon entering they asked us to place our belongings in tray and then walk through the scanner. Once let through we were seated and told to wait for our names. My name was called in about 10 mins after being seated and a gentleman collected my passport, the pictures, birth certificate, certificate of no impediment and the i134 with my fiancee's financial documents. I was then told again to be seated and wait for my name. I waited for close to 3 hours and then my name was called and I was sent to a privacy booth (same sex couple). The interviewer was very pleasant and it felt more like having a conversation than being interviewed. She asked when was the last time that I had spoken to my fiancee, when was the last time I had seen her, she asked about details of the proposal , she asked if I had met the children, if I had ever been married, she asked about my fiancee meeting my family and me meeting her's. She asked about the details of our wedding plans as well as the details and timeline on how met, then she said that's it, you've been approved and you should be able to pick up your passport in 2 weeks. Other than the lengthy wait everything was easy. I spent approximately a total of 3 1/2 hrs at the embassy.

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