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Ireland US Consulate Reviews

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Ireland US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
145 Review(s)
Dublin, Ireland
Review #12693 on September 2, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I had my CR/IR-1 interview on 27th August 01:00pm. I arrived around 12:40ish had to wait outside for another 15-20 mins before they let us inside. There was another couple behind me and a girl for her diversity visa. At 1pm they started people inside the security hut one at a time. and it was a completely pleasant experience. The security guards were very nice and chatty and helpful.
After getting through the Security hut after airport style security check, we were asked to go up the ramp on the right hand side and into the building. When I reached inside I was greeted by two security officers inside and asked what kind of visa interview I was applying (Immigrant or Non-Immigrant). When I mentioned immigrant, security officer went to the ticket machine and got me the ticket for immigrant visa. And was asked to take a seat in the waiting area on the right hand side, as I believe the left hand side was for non-immigrant visas.
Now the waiting game started…proximately a... read complete review

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Dublin, Ireland
Review #12379 on July 21, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Advice for Dublin Embassy Visitors: DO NOT BRING ANY ELECTRONICS WITH YOU. The security staff will put a mobile phone - but nothing larger - into the lockers at the gate. I was sent away to 'get rid of' an iPad and ended up leaving it in the free and open luggage room of the D4 (formerly Jury's) Hotel. Slightly worrying but then I did want to get on with the interview...

Very positive experience at the Dublin consulate overall. The place seemed to be quiet on the day I was there, about 5 of us in total on the visa side of things. After taking a number, I was called to the counter just to confirm who I was. The next call to the counter was to hand over all the paperwork I had, medical results, photograph etc. I was given a DVD with my x-rays on them to keep with me for travelling. The third call to the counter was to give my fingerprints and the official asked me some questions:
Where had I met my husband?
When were we married?
How often had we see... read complete review

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Dublin, Ireland
Review #12215 on June 26, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

It was a very nice, easy and pleasant experience. The security staff were very nice and pleasant, I waited for 1 hr then I was called to the first window where a very nice Irish lady verified all my paperwork I had previously submitted, if there was anything missing you would submit it at this stage, she just asked if my daughter was a us citizen and I confirmed she was. She complimented me on the organised application I had submitted saying \"if everyone submitted application like you it would make our job very easy\" I thanked her and said \"I could not have done it without VJ\".
She did look for my co-sponsors 2012 tax records as my process started in Sept 2012 I submitted 09,10 and 11 tax records. She gave me an email address and asked if I could email the records to them. She told me the visa is approved but will be held until they receive the tax return. I the waited 10 mins and was called to another window where a nice American man swore me in and asked me 4 questions Ho... read complete review

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Dublin, Ireland
Review #12147 on June 16, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Had my interview a few days ago. It was scheduled for 1pm, I arrived around 12:50 and was let in straight away. Showed my passport to the security guards and went through airport type security. Had to leave my phone, car keys, headphones (basically anything electric) in a locker in the security hut. The guards are friendly and directed me where to go in the embassy.

I entered the embassy and the guard at the door asked me what I was interviewing for and then gave me a numbered ticket. I was the second person to arrive and sat waiting for about 20 minutes, during which time another 4-5 people arrived. I would recommend bringing something to read as there's a fair amount of waiting around. There's a waiting area with a few rows of chairs and then at the end of the room is a long counter with several partitions, similar to a bank. The embassy officials are behind glass and speak to you via a microphone and speaker. After a while my name was called and I went up and paid my ... read complete review

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Dublin, Ireland
Review #11609 on March 11, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Well I had my IR-1 interview today and it was a completely pleasant experience. I genuinely have not a single complaint to make. The security guards were very nice and chatty and helpful. The first lady who took my passport / envelope / medical was nice and efficient and I had read there was some rude/fussy lady working there but it must not have been the lady I met because she was very nice to me.
The American man who took my fingerprints and asked me some really basic questions (how long have you been together, what is your profession, where will you live in the U.S.) was really sweet and kind and I had a huge grin on my face when he told me my application was all set and I just had to wait for my passport back in the mail. He was smiling right back. Just overall it was a lovely experience, there was not a long wait time and everyone was super nice. Very pleased with my day

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