India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9
/ 5
943 Review(s)
Chennai, India | Review #2154 on November 5, 2007: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Chennai, India | Review #2153 on November 5, 2007: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Chennai, India | Review #2150 on November 3, 2007: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K3 Visa
Just asked few questions, if she had traveled outside the country, when was the marriage date and if it was a arranged marriage.
| Review #2147 on November 2, 2007: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
as i entered,i saw huge crowed waiting to get into embassy.all of them were there for took 7minuts to get security check and enter in to embassy.i was asked to handover the interview letter as i entered,also to take seat and waite for my call,after waiting 75mints,i was called to come up to window#17,i submitter my medical reports and some other documents that did not submit at VFS office,along with visa fee$100.
i waited for 1more hr,and called to window#14 for interview-trust me i was nervous but i prayed for that perticular time so the lord provided enough strength for me.the consulor asked several questions.many people donot look at the face of the person whom they are talking but i was told to look at the person right in to their eyes,i did the same.
after few minutes i was asked to raise my right hand and repeat the soo as finished i was told by the consular the my visa been approved.praise the lord.
... read complete review
Mumbai, India | Review #2131 on October 26, 2007: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Hello all,
Wanted to share the good news, my fiancee's K1 visa was approved today at Mumbai embassy. I'll try and note as much as my fiancee told me last night when she finished with her interview.
Her appointment was at 7.30am, she had paid the 200Rs VFS fees which gives you access to the Stars and Stripes lounge etc. so she showed up at 7.05am and they took her in a bus to the embassy around 7.15. They admitted her in the embassy along with others immediately. Once in, she waited until 8.30am until an Indian gentleman called her name and asked her few questions. He was very friendly and asked basic questions like who is petitioning you, how long have you known each other, how did you'll meet, have you been to the US before, where else have you traveled. She submitted the draft and the I-134. Then she had to go back and wait. There was a TV in there so she spent the time watching TV.
While waiting, she noticed that some people were being called for intervi... read complete review
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