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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #2147

Review on November 2, 2007:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

as i entered,i saw huge crowed waiting to get into embassy.all of them were there for interview.it took 7minuts to get security check and enter in to embassy.i was asked to handover the interview letter as i entered,also to take seat and waite for my call,after waiting 75mints,i was called to come up to window#17,i submitter my medical reports and some other documents that did not submit at VFS office,along with visa fee$100.
i waited for 1more hr,and called to window#14 for interview-trust me i was nervous but i prayed for that perticular time so the lord provided enough strength for me.the consulor asked several questions.many people donot look at the face of the person whom they are talking but i was told to look at the person right in to their eyes,i did the same.
after few minutes i was asked to raise my right hand and repeat the plegde.as soo as finished i was told by the consular the my visa been approved.praise the lord.
all the people at embassy were very good and well cooperative,and everything went good for me.
to all the people reading this donot go through brokers for the visa,go as per the instructions if its in the lords will, you will get it.

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