India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9
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943 Review(s)
New Delhi, India | Review #4868 on August 18, 2009: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
I had interview on 12/15/08 and my case was palced under admin processsing. Finally I got white slip stating under the 221(G) section 212(a)(a) (P)(6)(C)my visa has been refused and the file has been closed and send it back to USCIS. Anyone has similar experience. If you do, please share with us and let us know what should we do at this point. Should I wait to hear something from USCIS or file waiver?
Mumbai, India | Review #4816 on August 5, 2009: |
Ajit and Shivani

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
The Interview process was fairly easy. The only hold up really was the fact that my fiance purchased his visa prior to getting letter number 4 and one of the officers was upset about this and had to consulate management or something to let my fiance through. Other than that, the interview was painless. My fiance did not have to show hardly any of the additional documents proving our relationship. however he is glad that he had it so that he was prepared. I went with him and waiting in the USA lounge which felt good for me to be there supporting us and also to see his face when he came back from the interview. Of course we had much help from our lawyers through the whole process and they did they prepared us with all documents and instructed us what to have and we are thankful as we did see some unhappy customers there because they did not have there documents in order.
Plus the lounge had AC, decent snacks, p... read complete review
New Delhi, India | Review #4805 on August 2, 2009: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
I had interview on 12/15/08. I was asked to submit some more documnts which I did at the later date in January 2009. I was given a slip stating please wear with us while your case goes through unde admin processing. It's over 7 months since i have been waiting from the embassey but haven't heard anything yet. Please tell us how long admin processing could take.
New Delhi, India | Review #4735 on July 16, 2009: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
i had my interview on 8th july 2009,i went 1 hr before and i went through security check and got token,then a when my no.came i went to the window,she asked me to submit my medical,and asked few quesions then after i waited for 1 hr
thwn interview started,consular was indian,asked some questions
when did u meet
where did u meet,
wedding date,
her address
at the end he gave mw 221 g white stating that we need some proof of relationship, i said i have but thy did nt see over there,thy told me to submit in was preety sad but never loose a hope,i submitted everything in VFS and waiting for good news.
New Delhi, India | Review #4668 on July 1, 2009: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My fiance's interview was just horrible. He walked up for the interview and as he place his packet of more documented evidence on the counter, the CO immediately in an irritable tone of voice told him to put them away, that he wouldn't be looking at any documents.
The Co then preceded to ask him him questions like:
CO: When and how did you and your fiance meet?
A. October, 2005 and online on an international penpal website.
CO: When did you get engaged?
A. August, 2006
CO: Why did you decide to get married?
A. We love each other
CO: You are divorced?
A. Yes
CO: What does your wife do?
A. You mean my ex-wife? She is a teacher.
CO:No, I meant your fiance.
A. She is a real estate agent.
CO: What do you do for a living?
A. I've worked for State Bank of India for 26 ... read complete review
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