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France US Consulate Reviews

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France US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
271 Review(s)
Review #9107 on February 3, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Like many previous K1 applicants I feel that I stressed out WAY too much about the interview. I heard that some lawyers advice applicants to rehearse and to think about all the possible questions that could be asked but in the end, unless you suffer from a severe alzheimer there is no point of going through this. Maybe I got lucky but I was asked very simple questions like "How did you two meet?" and "Did you live together?" or "What is your fiancé's job?"...
Both the person who asked for my documents and the consul officer were nice and polite. The only thing you should really worry about is gathering all the documents they need. In my case it wasn't that easy. I freaked out a lot because I received Packet 4 on saturday 28th of January and my appointment was scheduled on tuesday 31st. So I had to get the doctor's appointment on monday 30th. I was of course working on that day and I couldn't schedule the appointment during the weekend since all doctors listed on packet 4 were ... read complete review

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Review #9034 on January 20, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancé had to travel to Paris from Lyon for his interview. He brought a copy of all the requested documents along with a copy of the entire 129-F application along with copies of photos and everything (we didn't want to take ANY chances!)

He arrived at the embassy early and I believe he was the first one to go in. Once inside he was given a ticket with a number and told to wait until his number was called.

Everything moved along well. He was called to 3 windows in total. He could see that they had our entire K-1 Visa application along with all our photos. He got the feeling that they were impressed with how organized our paperwork was. We had been super-thorough with completing the forms and with all the requested documentation. He felt that because of that the process moved ahead pretty smoothly.

When he got to the final window, for the actual interview, he said he couldn't believe they only had a few very easy questions for hi... read complete review

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Review #8993 on January 11, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Excellent and quick.

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Review #8956 on January 4, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

They didn't even ask for evidence. It was more like.. you go, you bring the stack of documents, and that's all they need.

The only questions they asked Julien were 'where did you meet?' and 'these pay stubs don't look original'. That's because they're electronic-only, officer. :P

That was about it. Thank you, Paris!!

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Review #8940 on December 29, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

the entire embassy visit was easy and went very smoothly.
we(both usc and alien fiancee) arrived at the embassy around 12:45, we were one of the first to arrive, and it was empty inside, security was so nice, but dont bring anything with you, they will store mobile phones and small camera but not much else... around 13:05 they started to call numbers and first for us it was window number 5,just to check interview appointment letter,
then sit and wait for document check(waited for about 30 minutes), when called we returned to window 5 and one by one we were asked for our documents. usc was required to submit a new letter of intent to marry, though alien fiancee was not required to submit new letterr, as they said her attendance at the interview was proof in it of it self of her intent to marry.. we had all correct paperwork so it went very well, the woman was pleaseant.


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