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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #9107

France Review on February 3, 2012:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

Like many previous K1 applicants I feel that I stressed out WAY too much about the interview. I heard that some lawyers advice applicants to rehearse and to think about all the possible questions that could be asked but in the end, unless you suffer from a severe alzheimer there is no point of going through this. Maybe I got lucky but I was asked very simple questions like "How did you two meet?" and "Did you live together?" or "What is your fiancé's job?"...
Both the person who asked for my documents and the consul officer were nice and polite. The only thing you should really worry about is gathering all the documents they need. In my case it wasn't that easy. I freaked out a lot because I received Packet 4 on saturday 28th of January and my appointment was scheduled on tuesday 31st. So I had to get the doctor's appointment on monday 30th. I was of course working on that day and I couldn't schedule the appointment during the weekend since all doctors listed on packet 4 were closed. I called them all and left them a message. One doctor called me back right away but she couldn't give me an appointment before the interview. On Monday morning Dr.Slattery called me back and said he could receive me at 10.30 am. I couldn't have made it otherwise. What is really important is to get your blood analysed (a day before the interview at the latest) because it takes a while to get the results. I picked up the results the next morning (the day of the interview and I did the X-rays too (The x-rays are not necessary for the interview).

Oh! One mistake I made at the consulate. When you arrive you have to take a ticket to have a number assigned. You have to choose which type of visa you are coming for. Since K1 is a 3 months visa I chose "non immigrant visa" but I was told that it was still an immigrant visa so I probably lost an hour because of that.

And I had forgotten one document that my fiancée had to send by email to parisconic@state.gov...its her 2010 taxes (form 1040).

Good luck to everybody.

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