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El Salvador US Consulate Reviews

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El Salvador US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
93 Review(s)
El Salvador
Review #9901 on June 28, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Complaining and stating the obvious wont help or change the fact that the government is inefficient. They arent good at what they do and they are always changing the rules and the prices. So bring $100 extra before you do the process and email them to cover your but before you go so that you can have proof that they are full of it. What really bugs me is that the embassy/consulate just changed the rules and didnt inform us or update it on their website in a timely maner so we showed up to our interview and got blindsided and to fix the whole thing its going to be another 3 months. MAKE SURE THAT YOU BRING A BIRTH CERTIFICATE ISSUED in the LAST 3 MONTHS this shouldnt be an issue because the NVC doesnt require it and because it doesnt prove a national security issue. a birth certificate is a birth certificate.
follow this link and your good also bring tons of effidence that your a couple eventhough you may have children together and did a cbra a birth abroad this same documentation that you used to prove your a couple for the birth abroad isnt enough for an IR-1 visa I dont know why that is but it wasnt for us. Also they almost always want a second sponsor evnethough you make enough money they think they can over-ride the government rules so be prepared with that or you might be waiting 3 plus months to go back again and do the whole thing over.

I also hate the fact that they have a thrid party processing the documents that should be disbanded as a national security threat. Its a company called Cargo Express. Before my interview again I am going to have my wife go to them to make sure we have everything correct.



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El Salvador
Review #8540 on October 20, 2011:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Let me separate our experience with USCIS and NVC from the embassy and make a quick comment on the former two. First of all, it would make sense if there were just one organization doing this. Secondly and perhaps more importantly, there really is no excuse for the whole process not being digital in this year, the year 2011. I know they have pilot programs going n oand it's great that the electronic payment option is currently available, but this is one of the last purely paper-based bureaucracies and having to submit duplicate documents should be unnecessary.

Regarding the embassy. I'm going to give them some slack and my "3" rating will frighteningly bring up their average. A friend of mine who works in another embassy told me that the consular unit is rather small in El Salvador; and it undoubtedly must be overwhelmed with applications since a quarter of the country already lives in the US. That said, I think those excuses only go so far. Part of the measure of your competency is in how you deal with overwhelming circumstances. Why do I read about people in other countries who were able to pick their visa up a few days after the interview and my spouse waited 5 weeks from the day of the interview to receive it back via mail. Crazy. If you look at the ratings on VisaJourney.com, El Salvador basically has about the lowest embassy rating in the world (excluding a few consulates/embassies where only 2 or 3 people have given feedback). That in itself should make one cautious about dealing with this embassy; and should make their superiors in Washington consider making some changes. That said, I will give them this--my wife, who speaks fluent English, felt like she was treated well enough while at the embassy.

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El Salvador
Review #7753 on June 14, 2011:

Malissa + Roberto


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

This Embassy is HORRIBLE.

A) To start, they sent us the WRONG version of Packet 3.

B) After the Embassy told us to schedule our interview, we contacted the Visa Customer Service phone number 10 times to schedule the interview but were constantly told that we were not authorized. After $80 of phone calls and waiting an ENTIRE MONTH, we finally received an interview date. A few days later, the embassy e-mailed us with an entirely different interview date! Absolutely horrible.

C) I scheduled a flight to El Salvador to be present at the interview, but the Embassy refused to let me enter for my fiancé's interview. They made me wait outside the Embassy for 4 hours while my fiancé waited in line inside the embassy. When my fiancé's interview started, the consulate told him to go get me so he could conduct a dual interview. The consular officer grilled me for 15 minutes about my fiancé, his family, his work, how many scars are on his body. Then he sent me away and grilled my fiancé about my family, my work, the wedding, etc.

We passed and it's over!! Thank God! What a horrible experience!

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El Salvador
Review #7696 on June 2, 2011:




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Review Topic: Other Experience

administartive process is a nightmare with no set guidelines, we have 2 children and it seems they have to undergo the process.

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El Salvador
Review #6822 on November 5, 2010:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Buenas !!!

Esta es nuestra experiencia con la Embajada de El Salvador, tengo muchos detalles que pueden ayudarles.

Bueno primeramente tuve 2 entrevistas, recibi la carta de mi entrevista en agosto 2010, pero mi primera entrevista fuè en noviembre, siempre las hacen la primera entrevista a las 7:30 am, solo es para entrega de documentos y reviciòn para ver si todo esta bien, quiero decirles a los que aplican para esta visa que es muy importate tener todos los documentos listos para que no tengan ningùn incoveniente, gracias a Dios todos mis documentos estabas bien!!! !!! les escribirè la lista de documentos:

1- Carta de la entrevista
2- 2 fotos 5cm por 5cm (es mejor si toman la foto ahì) cuesta $ 5.00
3-Certificado de Nacimiento
4- Certificado de Matrimonio
5- Solvencia de la Policia
7- Copia de pasaporte de su esposa o esposo (no olvidar)
8-Certificado de Nacimiento de esposo o esposa
9- Carta de sostenimiendo Si APLICA .
10- Si llevan carta de sostenimiento pueden pedirles el certificado de nacimiento de el co-esponsor, o el ayudante.

Bueno esos son los documentos màs importantes, pero cada caso es diferente, es muy importate saber eso, pero estos documentos son los màs comunes,despuès de ir a la primera entrevista, van a recibir otra fecha de entrevista que es una semana despuès de la primera, es para la entrevista con el Consul, quiero decir que en la Embajada me Trataron super bien, solo tuve que esperar un poco para la entrevists como 4 horas, pero gracias a Dios todo salio bien, tienen que ir muy preparados es muy importante para que no vayan a negarles la visa,y sobre todo seguridad, estas son las preguntas que me hicieron en la entrevista:

1- ¿quièn la pidio?
2- ¿Hableme de su relaciòn con su esposo?
3-¿Dònde se conocieron y cuando?
4- ¿cuàndo se casaron?
5-¿cuàndo fuè la ùltimà vez que su esposo viajo a su pais?
6- ¿què hace su esposo? ¿dònde trabaja el y sus padres?
7- ¿ha viajado alguna vez a EE.UU? ¿Ha tenido problemas con la ley?

Esas fueron mis preguntas, mi ùltima entrevista duro 5 minutos, tambièn es importante llevar evidencia de su relaciòn para ellos es muy importate eso, recuerden que cuando todo es legal todo sale bien, el amor siempre gana, lleven fotos, cartas, facturas de llamadas, evidencia de ayuda econòmica, factura de regalos, tarjetas de amor, y sobre todo sean sinceros, Dios bendice la gente Honesta, asi que sigan adelante espero mi experiencia les ayude mucho, recuerden estar temprano en sus dos entrevistas, y tomarse las fotos mejor en la Embajada porque esas fotos no pueden rechazarlas, asi que adelante, al final el consul me dijo " Usted esta Aprobada !!! y me dijeron que tengo que esperar 2 semanas para recibirla, ah por cierto tienen que pagar por Cargo expreso $ 15.00, no lo olviden, bueno tengan paciencia, porque esto es de paciencia y sobre todo amor, sigan en la lucha, y que Dios los bendiga a todos, lo que estan en espera todavia, bye bye!!!

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