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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #9901

El Salvador Review on June 28, 2012:



Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Complaining and stating the obvious wont help or change the fact that the government is inefficient. They arent good at what they do and they are always changing the rules and the prices. So bring $100 extra before you do the process and email them to cover your but before you go so that you can have proof that they are full of it. What really bugs me is that the embassy/consulate just changed the rules and didnt inform us or update it on their website in a timely maner so we showed up to our interview and got blindsided and to fix the whole thing its going to be another 3 months. MAKE SURE THAT YOU BRING A BIRTH CERTIFICATE ISSUED in the LAST 3 MONTHS this shouldnt be an issue because the NVC doesnt require it and because it doesnt prove a national security issue. a birth certificate is a birth certificate.
follow this link and your good also bring tons of effidence that your a couple eventhough you may have children together and did a cbra a birth abroad this same documentation that you used to prove your a couple for the birth abroad isnt enough for an IR-1 visa I dont know why that is but it wasnt for us. Also they almost always want a second sponsor evnethough you make enough money they think they can over-ride the government rules so be prepared with that or you might be waiting 3 plus months to go back again and do the whole thing over.

I also hate the fact that they have a thrid party processing the documents that should be disbanded as a national security threat. Its a company called Cargo Express. Before my interview again I am going to have my wife go to them to make sure we have everything correct.



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