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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1651 Review(s)
Vancouver, Canada
Review #5279 on November 21, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

After I posted my medical review, I thought it would only be appropriate to share my experiences with you all about how it went at the US Consulate. I was able to communicate with them via e-mail several times, and they were always able to get back to me the next day. When it came to scheduling my interview, I e-mailed them to let them know that I wanted to schedule my medical the day before my interview, and make sure that it would all be done in the same week so I wouldn't have to go back and forth between Winnipeg and Vancouver. The next day after I had sent the e-mail, I received a reply, getting the date that I wanted as long as I faxed my checklist.

Anyways, to my interview! I left my hotel at about 12:30ish as my interview was at 1:00pm. I headed over to the Consulate in a taxi, and got there at about 12:40ish or so. To get into the Consulate, you have to go through one door, where there is a security guard standing there. Because I was a little bit early and because the guards weren't back from their break yet, I was told to come back after a few minutes. To the right of the consulate is a Starbucks, so I just waited in there for a little bit until I had to come back. When it was about 12:50 or so, I went to the door that lead into the Consulate again, where there were three security guards. The first guard opened the door for me, the second searched through all my folders and told me to remove my jacket, along with my watch and belt, and then hold onto my jacket while I went through the metal detector. After that, they gave me back my things and I headed up a flight of stairs, and walked through a door. I went to the right, and there was someone waiting there. She asked me where I was going, and I told her to the 20th floor, for my K1 Visa. She pressed the button and swiped a card, and then I was on my way to the 20th floor. When I stepped off the elevator, there's another set of security to go through. Lucky for me, the guys who were doing the security were super funny and sweet, and kept me laughing. When I was done getting everything together after going through security, they asked me what I was there for (K1 Visa) and then gave me a piece of paper. On it was my name, and they wrote down a number (I was 4... funny, because I was 4th in line at my medical, too!) After that, they opened the door for me, and then told me to go to the left and to window B, which was in the middle. I placed my paper there, and then headed into the waiting area -- which was PACKED with people. I sat beside the girl I met at the medical who was also from Winnipeg (definitely thankful that she was there!), and the other people who were waiting there.

They were having a total computer glitch, so while I was waiting for them to call my name, I was totally ALL NERVES. The pain of waiting was definitely excruciating, and when they finally called my name (which was at 2:30pm -- an hour and a half was spent waiting for three other people to go ahead of me!), I was ready! I was greeted by a lovely older lady who gave me a paper that listed everything she wanted in that specific order. I gave her my passport, passport photos, deposit slips from Scotiabank birth & police certificates, 156 (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE TWO COPIES!), 156K, Affidavit of Support --- and I think that's about it. After that, she told me to sit down... for another hour.

After waiting and waiting (and more waiting), I was finally called up to another window -- this time on the right. I was greeted by this sweet, older asian lady who was SO FRIENDLY, it was amazing. She told me that she would be taking my fingerprints, and to read the sign above the fingerprint sign. After that was all done, I sat down again for about another 15 minutes, and then I was called up... again, by the sweet, older asian lady. She told me that everything was fine, and that my criminal checks went by quickly. She then asked me:
- how I met my fiance
- when did he propose
- what does he do for a living
- do i plan on working in the us (yes, after the US Government allows me to)
- bonafide evidence of our relationship (tons of photos!)

After that, she smiled, and then said the words I had been waiting for since I stepped foot in Vancouver -- APPROVED! She was so happy to tell me that all K1 Visas that day were approved (there were four of us there), and then told me to go to the B window that I went to earlier where the lady would tell me how to get my visa, etc! I happily went over there, and she said that because I'm from Winnipeg, that she would have to mail my visa over to me because it wouldn't be finished until Monday/Tuesday. I didn't have an envelope, so she gave me a paper that had an explanation on where to get an envelope -- and because it was close to 4, I LITERALLY ran all the way to the post office which was across the street past the parkade, down a flight of steps, bought my prepaid envelope ($25), ran back to the Consulate (where the same security welcomed me --- because of my HUGE SMILE), and then back to the lady where she told me what would be happening. I'll be getting my K1 Visa shipped to me via Express Canada Post, and I can't wait!

All in all, it was a good, nerve-wracking, stressful experience -- but I have to say, it was worth it all to be approved! Thanks so much to everyone on here who's helped me on my journey! Now onto heading into the States, and getting married!

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5274 on November 20, 2009:

Sam and Ben


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We stayed at Le Dauphin Centre-Ville the night before, which was a five minute walk to the Consulate. (If you don't care much about complimentary breakfast, the hotel is a great place to stay. Their morning breakfast selection is very lacking, however.) Ashenflowers and her fiance bumped into us in the lobby, and recognized us from our picture. Was neat running into people we knew from VJ.

Our interview experience was fantastic, despite the cold. Knowing that a fair few VJ members would be arriving, we left very early, and were there for 5:30am. We were the first in line, then Ashen and Arabella joined us at around 6am with their fiances. Chatting with them made the wait seem like nothing at all.

The doors opened at 7:30am, and we were given letter A. Be mindful of the items you're not allowed to bring in. We were sent down a tall flight of stairs (hard to navigate with numb toes) to the waiting room in front of the elevators. We weren't given a sheet saying what documents they would want to collect, so we just looked at the one Ashen was given and put aside what documents were needed. Do NOT wait until you are sitting down to organize your paperwork fully, especially if you are one of the first in there, as you won't have very much time.

It took only minutes before we were let into the elevator and up to the 19th floor to sit in another waiting room. We finished off whatever minimal organizing we had to do. Ashen (B) was called first to a window, then we were.

The woman asked for:
-Medical envelope (sealed)
-Original police clearance letter
-Original and copy of long-form birth certificate
-Colour copy of passport biographical page
-Passport photos
-I-134 and evidence of support

She saw that I had the confirmation page ready for the DS-160, but waved it away and said that she already had all of the forms I had sent in with the Packet 3. (I only sent in exactly as instructed, not extra forms/evidence.)

She then sent us to pay. We paid, then waited to be called back up. She gave us a copy of the receipt, took our envelope and said we'd be called shortly by either letter or my name for the interview itself.

We sat down, and barely a couple of minutes later, "Sam and Ben" were called to Booth 8. The funny thing was, nowhere on our forms did it state our names as that, we always used our full names. So, immediately, I kind of figured we would be interviewed by someone who knew their way around VJ.

The interviewer was incredibly pleasant. He greeted us when we entered the booth and offered for us to take off our coats. He then began talking a bit about VJ, about how wonderful a tool it is for people like us, and how they love that we help everyone stay organized. I gave a smile and asked if he was the "Director" we'd all heard rumour about, and he said yes, then told me his actual title, which I've since forgotten. He said he understood that a lot of people were impatient with the process (yes, he mentioned one VJer by name, saying he was looking forward to meeting her), but that he wanted everyone to know how hard they are working to clear out the backlog, working until 6pm on weekdays and working weekends too. I told them we understand how hard they're working to get everyone cleared through, and that we look forward to seeing our friends receive interview dates quite soon.

We talked a tad bit more about VJ, and he again said how wonderful it was that the community works hard to make sure everyone is prepared, because the last thing they want to do is turn someone away due to missing a form or bit of paperwork. He also told me to tell everyone that the rumoured "mean lady" hasn't been seen at the interviews recently because she was fired several months ago.

He asked us what time we showed up this morning so we'd be first in line, and said 5:30. He laughed and said he wanted us to tell our VJ folks that it was far too early to be there, especially as it's now cold outside. I agree that it was a tad early (but wouldn't have known that if we hadn't shown), but it is only to your benefit to be there as early as you can.

After the VJ talk, he said we'd have to talk a bit about the two of us. His first question was "so, what guild are you in?" To which we both laughed. I explained how we met, then how we met on person, how it all seemed to click. He asked us how long into knowing each other online we knew we had something special. Ben told him it was always there, it was just that we were in different places, relationships, etc and it didn't seem possible at the time. Then when we gave it a shot, it just worked. The "Director" said he appreciated Ben being able to attend the interview with me, said he read that he was an electrician, asked if he was full or part time. He asked me what I did for a living, what my plan was for work once I moved. He asked what our living arrangements would be.

After doing some quick work on the computer, he said he could tell me that I was approved, and held up the sheet of paper that stating all of the items regarding the K1. He said he knew I would know all of this already, but he had to run through it anyhow, and told me all pertinent dates/timelines with activating the visa, getting married, etc. He also returned to me the original of my birth certificate.

It was an incredibly pleasant experience from start to end. All of my VJ friends were awesome to meet and talk with. Everyone who worked at the consulate itself were warm and friendly, very easy to deal with. The whole process was incredibly painless (except for waiting outside in the cold!).

We were out by 8:50am, and made it to breakfast at the hotel.

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5247 on November 17, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hi, Just a short review as all the other reviews with detailed info are superbly done!
Hotel: 1 Rene Levesque (5 blocks from embassy, Simple clean modern rooms $65-$100 night, Has kitchenette.
We took a cab since it was raining $6 , arrived as 2nd in line.
When we entered security was a breeze as we were prepared (no phones,etc..)
Once upstairs, were called in to window, where we submitted xpresspost (XLARGE) envelope to the very friendly agent at the window, then told to have a seat and wait for our name to be called.
Once called, proceeded to room 7, a small room with bank teller like window,
The consular officer swore us both in, and asked general questions such as how we met, when we met, then she asked about an overstay from 3yrs ago in the U.S. (we replied we had an approved extension of the i-94 on a B2 visa) Which she wanted to see. Unfortunately we did not bring it with us. I asked if she was able to retrieve it on her computer, and she said no. I asked whether I could bring it in that same day, or fax it in, and was told no. She then gave us a slip of paper (221g) requesting the proof of status in the U.S. from that time (i-94 extension/approval) which we promptly overnighted via fedex.

We're still waiting for the visa and return of our passport as of today Nov.17th Which is almost a month.

Montreal embassy staff, and the whole procedure was pretty good, My only gripe is being blindsided by a request for a document they should be easily able to access through their system. And one which definitely was NOT on the checklist of requested documents on our interview letter from the NVC. At the very least, let us walk it in the next day or same day or fax/email it. Especially since the whole process has been far outside of normal processing times (as of today it's been 529 days since I-130 NOA1 date!)

Calls to DOS visa dept. result in operator stating case is pending or under AP with no definite dates or timeline.
The stress this process creates is immense and the emotional toll is greater.

Suggestion to the Consulate if they ever read this review: Oversight and accountability, Clarity of needed documentation and an added tracking system for the 221g process would be brilliant. Incorporating a priority system for people far outside normal processing, priceless!

Suggestion to anyone going to Montreal for IR1 : Carry every document, if you have to bring a wheelbarrow full of papers, so be it... It takes too long to get an interview, and only a moment to be dismissed for a document you may need to satisfy the understanding of the Consular officer.

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5243 on November 16, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Let me start off by saying how relieved I am that this part is over .

I arrived in Montreal Sunday night and stayed at les square Phillips. Very nice place and 5 min walk to consulate.
I got to the consulate at 630am.... And it was cold. So make sure to dress warm especially if you arrive early. I was first in line. We were let in at 730. The security staff was welcoming and helpful.
Went down the stairs and waited for another guard to take us up on the elevator. Once we were there we sat on the chairs waiting for our letter to be called. I was called and went to the corresponding window. The lady was super nice asked me how I was. She basically looked at my already submitted forms to see if my parents name and all the addresses were correct. Gave her my medical...xray was pointless to bring. She took my fingerprints. Then I returned back to the waiting room. By that time... Around 815 the room was packed. I waited about half hour to be called by name. I was called into a room and greeted by another friendly face. She asked me how we met, when we met in person, what does he do, what will k do once I move . That is all. I wasn't asked to show pictures, travel proof, phone bills or anything. Super fast. She welcomed me to America and said I should have my passport in about 2 weeks.

I was done by 9 am. Arriving early and freezing was definitely worth it. It seemed
like the ppl that came late were not sure where to go or what do.

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Vancouver, Canada
Review #5239 on November 16, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

This was my experience.

Fiancee and I arrived in Vancouver on Weds morning at 7 am in Vancouver. We left the airport and took the Sky-Train for 7 dollars all the way to our Hotel. We stayed in the Day Inn off West Pender Street. Hotel Cost us 128 dollars a night. It is an old hotel, nothing fancy. One bed, tv, bathroom, a desk. Its two blocks from the American Embassy and about a mile from the medical.

Thursday morning at 4:00 Fiancee and I wake up get ready to go to the medical. We left our hotel and walked about a mile to Medical Address. It looks kind of shady right across the street from St. Paul's Hospital. There is a gate and you wait there until the lady that runs the clinic arrives and opens it for you. We were the first ones in line and the lady at the medical asks everyone to stay in order in which you arrive. You need to get all your documents in order and hand them to the lady at the front desk. She then will tell you to go get your blood tested. Takes two minutes. After that you go and sit back down for about 20 minutes and they call you in for an X-ray, which you don't even need for the embassy. Than you get called into the office with the doctor he asks you to strip down and wear a sheet. He checks your ears, nose, and glands on your throat. Very simple nothing that is embarrassing or violating. He tells you to get dressed and you meet the desk lady she takes your height, weight, and checks your vision. She then tells you to come back at two.

Embassy Info- We went to the embassy at 12:30 for our 1:00 clock appointment. Security asked us to go away until 12:45. We went to starbucks right around the corner and came back. You enter the little side door and they ask for appointment letter. They look through all your papers and tell you take everything our of your pockets. (similar to the airport) You then continue up the stairs where you will meet a lady who will send you up to the 20th floor via elevator. You exit the elevator and there is another security search so don't put your belt on or anything like that just hold it. He will search you and than direct you the waiting room. You sit in the waiting room for like 20 minutes they call you up and ask for your main papers in a certain order. She tells you to sit down and wait.... You wait and get your fingerprints done.... than sit back down.... Wait about an hour and they call you up for your interview. She asked 3 questions.

1) How did we meet
2) How often we visited each other
3) What the petitioner did for a living.

She then told us we were approved as long as we passed our medical. We ran back to the medical office and got our stuff and brought it back and gave it to the lady that you originally talk to at the waiting room. (Yes, you have to go back through security and all that jazz.) She told us our Visa would be ready in two days. We were leaving that day so we gave her the Largest Canada Post Express Envelope so we could get it in the mail. Be sure to get the largest one. They put a whole manilla envelope of papers plus your passport in there so you need the 12.00 one its a 12x13 one if i am not mistaken.

Overall the process was extremely easy. Just make sure you have the right documents and prepare the night before and it will be a breeze.

Everybody was really nice except the security guys, but thats what they are paid to do.

5/5 Good luck to everyone else.

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