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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5749

Montreal, Canada Review on March 2, 2010:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Got to the Consulate around 6. wanted the A...LOL We were there about 10 minute before anyone else showed up. Was cold by 7:30 I couldn\'t feel my toes. Guard opened the doors at about 7:35, wanted passports and interview letters, checked them and told us to go in. Told to empty our pockets into a tray then given another for our coats. Once everything was cleared to take back we did so. Got our letter A. Told to got downstairs to waiting room, sat there for maybe 5 minutes. Taken upstairs in the elevator told to wait to be called up to the counter about 8. Once there we were asked for original documents and copies( we did EP). Asked to sit down for a few minutes until the woman came back for my finger prints. After finger prints done we were asked to have a seat in the waiting room and wait to be called into room 7 or 8.

Waited until 9:30 or so to be called into room 7. The room is quite small and we were 4, but we all fit. After putting our coats and stuff down we were swore in. Took my thumb print to make sure I am me.

Then we asked

When and how we met?
Where we live? both hubby and myself.
How often we see each other?
How far apart do we live from each other?
Hubby was asked about insurance.
Kids were asked if they liked NY.
The she said everything was in order and Welcome to the US.

Everyone there was super nice.

(updated on March 2, 2010)

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