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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
611 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7863 on July 4, 2011:

Carol & Tim


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My hubby and I got a bus to Rio on june 28th to Rio at 10:30pm. We arrived there at 4:30am and got a taxi cab to the consulate (R$ 35,00). There was a couple waiting there already. My husband made me ask if it was the right line and we were at the wrong line Lol. That was fine though because it was only 5am :P and I was the first in the line!
at 6:30 some people started to arrive but the line wasnt long for the immigrant visas.
at 7am a girl came to check our photos out and I had to take another one, I was showing my ears and you cant have ear piercings. She gave me a paper to make sure I was the first so I went to a place close to the consulate, took a picture and got back. (a couple people had to take another pic too).
after that, we got into the consulate and the girl asked me to put the documents in order. I brought a copy of all the paperwork and the girl said to put them in order just in case. We waited a little bit and I was called to window 2 and a very ni... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7761 on June 14, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interview was on a Tuesday. I (petitioner) was unable to attend with my fiance. My fiance arrived in Rio on Sunday so she could complete the physical on Monday and have everything in place for the Tuesday Interview. The medical process took about 3 hours and another hour or so of waiting for the bloodwork results. After the Medical exam was complete, she went and paid the Citibank fee of R$590.00. Back to her room to make sure all papers are in order. Tuesday morning, she arrived at the consulate around 5:30am, very early but people had already started arriving. At 7am they started seperating people by visa type. My fiance was escorted to the second floor where they checked our paperwork and gave her a form to complete. She was then called into a room and asked 4 questions 1) Where did we meet 2) When did we meet 3) How many times had I been to Brazil to see her. My fiance is 6 months pregnant at the time of interview. 4) Where would the baby be born? The visa officer ... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7719 on June 7, 2011:




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Review Topic: General Review

This is a long overdue review. The interview took less than 3 minutes. Everyone was friendly and helpful. I am currently in the US filing for AOS.
A couple of hints for the medicals: if you are a female, get a pap smear (it has to be dated up until a year before the medical appointment. That'll save you from any possible hassle. Second one: make sure the doctor checks the COMPLETE box in the medical form. Although I had ALL my vaccines, the doctor checked INCOMPLETE and I had to spend a few more dollars here just to get it done again - with the very same information in it and just the correct box checked this time. I wasn't too happy with the Brazilian doctor, he took a considerable amount of money and failed to to what he was supposed to.
This is it from me. Good luck to you all and don't worry, if you have the right paperwork, it'' be a breeze.

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7686 on June 1, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #7667 on May 26, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife arrived to the consulate at the appropriate time. She said the whole process was very easy. The people working there were very friendly. Her interview went very well and her visa was approved.

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